1199 Words

The princess knew it was like a pass for her to run out of there and never look back , but she was sure Erik had entered into the place, and not even the deceitful smile of the man before her was not going to be enough to make her run away. Erik was inside. “Erik Grigori is in here right ? That should not even be a question, I have seen him enter . Would you call him out for me ? I will be waiting out here. Just tell him “ “ I don’t know where he is , but he is inside , why don’t you want to come inside , you can check for him yourself you know ? What’s your name ?“ “There is no need for you to know my name “ “So even if I see him , how do I know who to say you are ? “ “Then I will come in myself “ when she stepped into the room, it was dark , not what she had expected, it took her lo

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