Chapter 9

919 Words

It’s not an easy task to carry Magnum Shott from the bar area, down a narrow hallway, and into one of Tony’s spare rooms. We’re on either side of the football player and practically drag him by his shoulders and arms. He feels like a giant bag filled with mud, heavier than f**k. It looks like a scene out of horror movie. Mag’s head hangs low, his entire body is slumped and gel-like, and his feet drag over the floor, spread this way and that way. I admit, Nevin’s stronger than me and doesn’t seem to have as much problem. “Work with us, buddy,” Nevin coaches. Mag mumbles something neither of us can understand. It sounds like a jumble of vowels, pre-kindergarten verbiage. Once inside the illuminated room, I tell Nevin, “Let’s put him on the bed and take his shoes off.” “Good idea.” I don

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