Chapter 12

1154 Words

Once inside Nevin’s apartment complex, three more steps lead to a small room walled with mail boxes. Flyers and footprints litter the tile floor. A ruby red rug with rubber backing lies askew in front of the boxes. On the opposite side of the room are two doors. One says stairwell, and the other one is steel, an elevator welcoming us to any of the fourteen floors available within the building. We take the elevator to the seventh floor. A teal hallway opens with aqua-colored, ceramic tile. Each apartment door is a brushed silver. Not bad to look at. A nice and clean place to live up here. Like a faithful puppy dog, I follow him down the hallway, and he stops at apartment 7G. He fiddles with his keys, opens the apartment’s door, steps inside, and flicks on the light. The studio apartment

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