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CHAPTER FIVE“Wakefield, you sly dog!” Lord Taverner roared at the Earl. “You sneaked under my guard and swept off this beauty for yourself.” “No!” cried out Selena. “You are an idiotic fool, Taverner,” snarled the Earl contemptuously. “You must not judge other men by your own despicable standards!” Lord Taverner’s colour deepened to a brick red. “Don’t talk to me like that, Wakefield. You can’t deny this pretty bit of fluff is under your protection!” For a moment Selena thought the Earl would fly at him, but Jemima caught his arm. “Alex, he isn’t worth it.” Mr. Brack was positively dancing around them. “My Lords, please, no ruckus in here.” The Earl gently disengaged his arm from Jemima’s grip. “Taverner, you no doubt recall Lord Norton? As I remember you both served on a committ

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