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CHAPTER TWOSelena smoothed the Earl’s handkerchief over her knees and then folded it while she tried to think of the best way to explain her position. “At first Beatrice, that is Mrs. Anstruther, was most kind to me,” she said slowly. “Mr. Anstruther told her that I needed to be dressed as befitted Lord Norton’s daughter and that arrangements should be made to present me at Court. Mrs. Anstruther had not been presented herself, but she was told that a patron could be found for me on payment of a fee.” The Earl nodded. “I understand such matters are not unknown.” “And so I was taken to couture houses and provided with a splendid wardrobe and a maid who could do my hair in the latest fashion.” Selena’s hand went automatically to the severe knot on the nape of her neck Mrs. Anstruther h

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