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         It was day 7, the day to declare winner of the games. During the previous days, it was almost impossible to be too excited, with the Princess being absent for three days straight, and Master Poja not being genuinely enthusiastic. The two clans had won equal numbers of the games, so the final game was to be the tiebreaker. Each clan sat in a small semicircle opposite each other, and Master Poja was in the middle. They were playing pick a brain, where they’d be asked random questions and expected to come up with the answer, and it was intense.           “How many provinces did Ogaza have before the war?”           “12!” a member of the Fire clan answered and when Master Poja said it was correct, they cheered.           “What was the idea behind naming the Jasmine province?”           The Water clan members huddled together and spoke in hushed tones before Niko cleared his throat.           “Easy. That province was the only place in the entire Ogaza, where Jasmine flowers grew naturally, no matter how much you plucked them out. Also, some of the early citizens who lived there swore that there was something in the atmosphere that made the place seem magical and beautiful.”           “That is correct!” Master Poja nodded and the clan members jubilated.           “I live there, it really is magical,” Niko smirked.           “Okay, we have just four questions left, so any clan who misses an answer at this point should be ready to accept their fate.”           The Asters leaned in closer to him, all their ears and brains ready to work fast.           Master Poja cleared his throat for dramatic effect. “Fire clan, what food produce is North Ogaza mostly known for distributing?”           They huddled together. It was a tough question. North Ogaza distributed diverse food produce. When Master Poja hurried them up, Marjani answered, “Grains?”           “You’re supposed to answer the question, Marjani. Not ask me.”           “Grains,” she said with more confidence. Master Poja didn’t answer right away, but when he did, he said, “That is not . . .wrong. You’re correct.”           They heaved in relief and a girl half-yelled at Master Poja for almost making her die of suspense. They laughed.           “Fire clan, you have just one question left. Now the Water clan, what animal did the Royal family consider using as an emblem before settling on the lion head?”           They huddled. “I think it’s the elephant,” someone said and another agreed.           “It’s not,” Jael countered. “The elephant was considered for war, not for the Royal family.”           “Angel?” Zina said, he had been providing a lot of the answers, but this one made him stuck.           “I’m not sure,” he said.           “A hippo?” Niko guessed and Zina and some other girl swat his shoulders.           “I’ve never actually heard, or read that the Royal family considered any other animal as an emblem. It has always been the lion,” Angel said.           “True,” Jael nodded. “Do we just say that?” Jael looked at Angel and then the others. She and Angel have had some little conversations because of the games, and she was beginning to see that maybe she was the problem and not Angel, seeing that he was holding no grudge against her after all she said and did to him. But she didn’t want to admit it yet. She was too proud to.           “Maybe we should,” Zina said, and Jael echoed what Angel had told them.           “That is . . . unfortunately not correct, my dears.” They gasped, murmured and their 10 hearts broke in harmony. “The python was actually considered to be used as an emblem. But during that time, many pythons started invading the Royal Palace, and the Royal family was advised not to use them, as their invasion was assumed to be a bad omen.”           “A python? That is ridiculous!” Niko fumed and the clan members agreed with him.           “I’m sorry, Water clan. You have one question left. Now, the question for the Fire clan, how many children did the fifth king of Ogaza have, and how many did he tell the citizens that he had?”           “Anybody? I don’t know this one,” Marjani panicked. They were so close to winning.           “I have an idea. But if I’m wrong, don’t come for me, okay?” Amare said, and the clan members agreed. “They had just one child, but he adopted four more and called them all his because he wanted the crown to remain in his family. If he told them he had just one child, the chances would not be so great.”           Master Poja nodded and the Fire clan members shifted to the edge of their seats. “Close, but not quite there yet. He didn’t have any children. All five were adopted, forcefully taken from their parents actually. That’s why the citizens campaigned for him to be dethroned, and he was.”           “Ugh!” Marjani punched the air. “We were so close to winning.”           “Hey, I warned you guys. Nobody come for me, I did my best.”           “You did,” a girl patted his forearm and let her hands stay there for a while. He took it off and gave her a small smile.           “Let’s hope they miss the question,” Marjani said, keeping her eyes on the Water clan and Amare scoffed.           “Okay, Water clan. Final question.” They held each other’s hands, all ten of them. “What was motto for the Ogazaian soldiers? You have to say it in the language.”           “I know this. I know this,” Zina said, getting all giddy. “Pa has it framed in his room.”           “Go for it, Warrior Z,” Angel did his dimpled smile.           “I love you, so I’d put my life on the line to save yours,” she said in the old language.           “We have a winner, the Water clan!” The members of the clan got up and hugged and danced and cheered.           “Well done, all of you. Really. You’re all so smart and strong and you did so well. I am proud of you. We all know the Princess is absent, she’d give you the gift herself soon.”           Marjani went to meet Angel, feeling both angry and embarrassed. “You get to be Captain for the entire week, happy?”           “I don’t care about that,” Angel stated with firmness. “You were the one who was trying to prove that maybe I wasn’t worthy of being leader. I don’t know if you were trying to hurt me or something, but it didn’t fully work. I was more interested in the Aster having fun than being in an unhealthy competition with you. We were both selected Captains for a reason, none of us have to step down for the other. But then, water always quenches fire. It’s inevitable. Congrats.” He walked away to join Zina, Niko and the other members in celebrating.                                                                              ****           Marjani hadn’t been herself in the three days the Princess had been absent.           “What is wrong with you, Marjani?! Why are you acting like the Princess is dead or something? She’d keep training us when she wants to!” Jael had violently shaken Marjani, trying to get her back in order.           “You don’t understand. Nobody ever will, not even the Princess.”           She waited now for the Crown Prince in front of his quarters and when the doors opened and he started descending the stairs, she rushed to meet him.           “Your Majesty,” she bowed.           “I gave her the gift, Aster. No need to worry.” He didn’t stop to look at her.           “It’s not about the gift,” she said, even though somewhere in her heart, she was sure he didn’t give her the gift, or he did and she hated it. “She’s been absent for 3 days. Is she alright?”           “Would this be the first time that she’s been absent for three days? She’s fine, Aster. I have things to do. Return to your dorms.”           “Her absence has something to do with you not wanting to get married, doesn’t it?” Her question made the Crown Prince halt and turn slowly to face her. “She didn’t want to talk to you, and when you eventually said you wouldn’t get married, she looked . . . hurt. You both even cried. And after that day, she didn’t come out for the next three days, just like she hasn’t come out now. I tried to ask her about it but she told me to keep boundaries. What is all this about, Your Majesty? I’m worried about her and you—”           “Enough!” Crown Prince Taye roared and Marjani flinched. “She asked you to keep boundaries, so why are you here asking me about it? What happens in the Royal family is none of your business, and I don’t know what relationship you have with her that makes you give her gifts and worry about her like this, but you need to take fifty steps back and focus on what matters to you.           “You are here to be an Aster, do just that and leave the Princess alone. Guard?” He called and one of the Royal guards standing by his carriage came over. “See to it that she gets back to her dorm right now. And look at her face properly, make sure she never gets an opportunity to talk to me again. If you ever see her lurking around waiting for me, send her away. No matter what it takes.”           “Your Majesty!” Marjani yelled, but the Royal guard was escorting her away, and the Crown Prince didn’t turn for a second. He got into his carriage and left.                                                                        ****           Zina, Amare and Angel diligently practiced their archery and sword fighting. Amare also taught them some moves for physical combat.           “I feel like a General. Like I can beat up anybody right now!” Angel laughed, sweat running down his face and vigor coursing through his body.           “Really, Angel?” Zina laughed too and took her waterskin out of her knapsack.           “That’s the way I always feel when I get physical. The energy, it’s crazy.” He also took his waterskin, and the three scooted under a shade, to relax and be refreshed.           “I can’t wait to see your Mama on Commemoration. It’s been almost two months since I last saw her. I miss her,” Amare said, making a funny sad face and Angel laughed.           “I miss her too. Warrior Z is going to meet her as well, she’d love you. And I can’t wait to see cute little Zo,” Angel cooed.           “She’s not little,” Zina huffed. “She’s like taller than me, and it’s so annoying.”           “Oh, sweet little vulture. Everybody is taller than you,” Amare taunted and Angel burst out laughing. Zina laid three solid punches on his belly. “Ouch, vulture! I’d never lie to you, though. Good friends always say the truth.” Zina put another punch to his shoulder and Angel separated them from each other.           “Okay, okay,” he chuckled. “Let’s not get violent. But really, Warrior Z, you’re the smallest, cutest thing ever.”           She rolled her eyes, but blushed. “Whatever.” She got up. “Amare, stand! This short girl is going to beat you up right now.”           “Oooh, I’m scared,” he mockingly shuddered, but got up and they both took a fighting stance.           “Zina Anfari!” They all turned to see Master Poja, hands behind his back.           “Yes sir,”           “Come with me, right now.”           They looked at each other. “Is everything okay, sir?” she panicked.           “Only you can answer that question.” He revealed the hands that were behind his back, and Zina and Amare gasped when they saw what he was holding. “I believe this belongs to you. So, follow me. Now.”

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