
Darcingtowne Wolves: The Flower Moon Games (Book 2)

supernature earth

No matter what anyone tells you, being a mateless werewolf blows.

No one knows this better than Carrie Prym, Delta of The Misfits, who has spent the last five years waiting for her fated mate to come. Tired of being alone, and ready to get down and dirty, she attends one of the city's largest Haze Parties. Unfortunately, before she can even finish her first drink, she ends up getting knocked out and kidnapped by a man who works for the mysterious underground supernatural group known as the WIC Company.

When Carrie wakes up, she's forced to compete with a veritable harem of other she-wolves in the infamous Flower Moon Games, a now outlawed series of challenges that mateless ranked wolves would set in order to test the worthiness of potential she-wolf partners.

Knowing that her survival depends on her ability to not just out-fight, but out-think her competition, and desperate not to end up with a chosen mate when she feels her true mate is still out there, Carrie tries her best to remain in the middle of the pack - hoping against hope that her packmates find her before she draws too much attention or has to make choices that she'll regret the rest of her life.

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Chapter One: Mateless
Another birthday had come and gone. At twenty-three years old, Carolyn Prim was well past the age when most werewolves found their mate. Then again, she was not like most werewolves. Actually, she was only a half-wolf, but that had never mattered much to her before. She was secure in her wolfishness. How could she not be when she could transform into such a beautiful auburn wolf? And yeah, her wolf was hot stuff. Maybe a little small, but gorgeous. She was a catch for any hot blooded male wolf. Or vampire. Or, you know, any supernatural. Even a human. She wasn’t picky. As the Delta of The Misfits, one of the most well respected members of the Darcingtowne Alliance, Carrie had worked with her friends over the last four - nearly five - years to carve a place for themselves in werewolf society. But, no amount of hard won accolades could change the fact that she still had no mate. She wasn’t alone in that, of course. Neither Beta Sebastian nor Elder Mason had found their respective mate and second chance mate, assuming that they were out there somewhere. Truth was, some werewolves never found their mate at all, and lived their whole lives feeling like half a wolf. Which was ironic, seeing as how Carrie was already a half-wolf. Did that mean she was more like a quarter of a wolf without her mate? She sighed and took another drag from the half empty bottle of tequila in her hand. She was sitting alone on the rooftop deck where she and her pack members had hours earlier been celebrating her birthday. They’d done the best to keep her spirits up and the mood light, but since her birthday fell so close to the start of the spring Haze, everyone’s hormones and emotions were riding high, and most of her friends retired early. Though, by most people’s standards three o’clock in the morning wasn’t all that early. She just had to face it; they were getting older. They weren’t to the point where clubs and pirates held no appeal, of course, but now that most of them had completed the university degrees and were moving into their professional careers it seemed like they’d mellowed out. Even Sebastian, who had always been a bit of a social butterfly even if he was also kind of an ass, no longer seemed as interested in putting himself out there. Not that she was any better than her friends, but most of them had found their mates almost as soon as they arrived in Darcingtowne. It was hard not to feel bitter, especially since most of her friends couldn’t have cared either way if they found their mate whereas she was a true believer. The moon goddess sure knew how to reward her faithful children, huh? Carrie had always been told that if she just focused on improving herself and remained open to finding love that it would come to her. She’d even given up on dating apps after obsessing over them for a solid year, hoping that her change in mindset would help her manifest her desires. So, that’s what she did. She focused on her pack, and on making herself into the strong, efficient, Delta she-wolf that she’d always wanted to be. And yet, still no mate. It’s not like she had nothing to show for all her efforts. She supposed it was better to have her bachelor’s degree, the respect of her peers, the love of her friends and family, and a job that she both enjoyed and took great pride in. If she’d spent the last four or so years wallowing in self pity instead, where would that have gotten her? Nowhere, fast. But today was her birthday, and the Haze was coming up, and she was still mateless. So, she let herself wallow just a little. When the sun came up, she’d put her smile back on and face the world. Carrie was so deep in thought that she didn’t hear Sebastian approach until he was already leaning on the railing next to her. They looked out over the city in silence for a minute or so before she offered Bash the bottle of tequila, which he accepted. After taking a swig, he finally spoke, “I know you’re hoping to meet your mate ‘organically,’ whatever the hell that means, but Ryan got an invite to a haze party on Saturday, if you’re interested. It’s supposed to be massive, out in the Dunes.” The Dunes was a resort town on the coast that bordered the metropolis of Darcingtowne, but which held itself apart. It was famous, of course, for its picturesque sand dunes. She’d only visited the Dunes once, while attending the Beltane Ball at one of the elegant seaside estates, but she’d always hoped she might get the chance to visit again. Her pack didn’t often get invited to Outworlder high society events, but her packmate Ryan’s family was pretty well connected, so every once in a while they got the chance to see how the other half lived. Granted, they sort of were the other half. Maybe not Carrie herself, who made a modest but fair salary as a Delta, but Penelope was pretty well off. At the very least, she owned the packhouse which she had inherited from her mother. The only thing Carrie owned was her little moped and her admittedly ridiculous collection of designer clothing. Maybe she spent too much on clothes, but she still had the wits to save. If she ever retired, she would have a nice nest egg put away for retirement travel. But, did she really want to grow old and see the world by herself? Damn she really needed her mate to get a move on. She also really needed to get laid. Carrie tried not to stare at Sebastian, who was shirtless and very well built. A little on the short side, and very gay, but damn was he fine. Bash narrowed his eyes at her, and tilted his head. “What? I was just asking. You can say no if you’re not into it.” “Don’t be ridiculous. Of course I’ll go.” Carrie said after shaking off the momentary haze that had clouded her mind. It was that time of year, after all. “And if I don’t find my mate there, at least I can find a half-naked man who might actually be interested in me.” Sebastian snorted, then ruffled Carrie’s riotous curly red hair, “I feel sorry for that guy, whoever he is.” “Not as sorry as I feel for your future mate. I mean, look at you.” Carrie poked at his side. “How fair is it that you look like this and ALSO have magical powers?! I’m lucky I can shift!” Sebastian was incredibly ticklish, and squealed as Carrie started in on his sides, before full out dashing away from her with his pseudo-metaphorical tail between his legs. She caught up to him at the elevator, backing him up toward the doors just as they parted. He stumbled over the threshold and into the rear railing of the small cabin, “I give, I give! I’m sorry. Any wolf would be lucky to have you, whether it was as his mate or just for the night. Ok? Ok. I’m being serious now.” Carrie snickered a little, and stepped into the cabin with him, letting the doors shut behind her. “You’re lucky no one else knows your weakness, Bash. People think I have a big mouth, but we both know the truth…” Carrie gave him a wink. “Yeah, the truth being that you’re a manipulative little-” Sebastian stopped before he said ‘b***h,’ knowing full well that would only get him attacked again. “Ahem. Thank you, Carrie, for not telling everyone else how ticklish I really am. I appreciate your discretion.” “That’s better.” Carrie chirped as the elevator descended. “But you know, you could have just teleported away from me. It’s not like I could have kept up with you then. I’m not even sure I was keeping up with you now.” “I could have, but that would just make this loss even more embarrassing. I shouldn’t have to use magic to beat you.” Sebastian griped, ruffling up her hair again. “And don’t sell yourself short. You’ve gotten faster. Stronger too, I’d wager. I actually had a hard time dodging your little bitty hands.” “All thanks to your expert training.” Carrie smiled, and nuzzled Sebastian’s hand as he cupped her cheek. “And you don’t have to feed me lines. I know you were trying to make me feel better...if not with the tickle fight, then by getting Ryan to fish around for haze party invitations.” Ryan would never have been invited to a haze party unless he’d asked. It was considered rude to invite mated, marked and happily married wolves to haze parties.  “It was Toby’s idea.” Sebastian admitted. “He could tell you were feelin’ some kinda way these past few weeks, the sensitive bastard.” “Well, it is that time of year.” Carrie shrugged, trying not to show that yes, she was in fact feeling some kinda way. “You feel it too, don’t you?” “Lonely?” Sebastian asked, looking away as the elevator doors opened. They’d reached the main floor. “Yeah. If it’s not too pathetic sounding to admit it, there are days when I wish I had my mate. Having a mate to be with during the haze would be amazing. But, I know the odds. Every year they get slimmer, and it’s not like the pool of gay werewolves is overflowing.” They stood quietly in the grand foyer of their pack hall for a moment, feeling the air of melancholy filter through their bond, both as packmates and as friends. “I might not be a true believer, not for myself…” Sebastian broke the silence, and placed his hands on each of her shoulders. “But for you, I believe. I feel it to the marrow of my bones - there’s a wolf out there just waiting for you, little red.”

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