Chapter 4

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Robin was walking through the Museum, looking at the newest display and making sure it was still intact. She had a small tablet in her hand through which she managed the digital parts of the exhibition. They were expecting a trip from a nearby middle school and those children were one of the most annoying creatures Robin has laid eyes upon. That’s why Wren was the one managing the trips today while Robin was responsible for background checks.   Robin’s involvement with the museum started in the form of advice for the general aspects of the museum. Then Orion, Wren’s father, and old Alpha asked Robin to design ornaments for the main entrance and artworks depicting old wolf traditions. After the museum started to receive a lot of attention from all over the country, Robin moved from just painting designs to co-managing it with Wren as Orion was stepping down from all his responsibilities. He and his wife, Victoria, have moved away, to a summer island and are enjoying their retirement trip by traveling to different cities.    Sudden clicks of high heels caught Robin’s attention. She turned to the sound on time to see breathless Wren rushing towards her. “Finally found you, this place really needs elevators,” she said as she tried to catch her breath. Robin eyed her friend despite being 22, Wren still acted like a 12-year-old. “Oh, yeah. We got an email, its-its for you.” She said, and Robin looked at her with even more confusion. “We get them every few hours. Is this your first one?” she teased and Wren rolled her eyes. “No, you didn’t get me. We got an email, it is specifically, for you.” Robin nodded again, still trying to understand the logic. “Subject line: Oak Tails.” Robin couldn’t help a momentary shock that spread through her. Any mention of Oak Tails still had that effect on her.    Oak Tails was Robin’s old pack, it was torn by the war, and only recently has she opened up about it to her friends and especially Wren. River Banes was one of the winning packs in the war, they took the responsibility of housing the survivors of the other destroyed packs. The packs that were not involved with the war.    Robin shook her head, to stop her thoughts from spiraling and turned to Wren. “What does it say?” Wren turned around and walked back with the same quick steps, Robin following fast behind her. They went back to the office where they both stood in front of Wren’s desk and open the laptop. The email was taking up all of the screen. It was impossible to miss the title of it. Research on Great War and Oak Tails.   To whom it may concern.   My name is Declan Moore and I am a historic researcher of werewolf cultures. Your museum has gravely inspired me and sparked my interest. The work you are doing for our community, the way you are presenting it to humans is extraordinary. Recently I have taken on a project of researching the great war that brought humans and werewolves closer than ever. The purpose is to give a recollection of events by the younger generation as well as assess the actual military power used.    This was my initial purpose and I hoped to interview Miss Wren Banes along with few other members of the River Banes pack. If the Alpha would allow it, of course, It’s all for the purpose of creating a clear picture of the war for future generations.    However, I couldn’t help but notice the 2nd partner's name. Miss Robin Oaks. I have come to understand that she is related to the infamous Oak Tails. If it is possible I would like to interview her on behalf of the war research as well as for future references for Oak Tails Pack. Their history always fascinated me, unfortunately, I haven’t been able to trace anyone else from that pack to include in my research.    Regards Professor Moore.    Robin read the mail more than 3 times before she turned to Wren who had an excited expression on her face. “Someone is doing a research paper on the great war.” Robin started. Wren nodded, “yes and they want to include all perspectives, not only the winners. Look, he attached the files and plans for the research.” Wren opened the attached documents and Robin skimmed through them. Whoever this professor was, he was very thorough; he made a list of the winning side, the losing side both human and werewolf, and even a special column of extinct due to war. Oak Tails along with some smaller packs was in that category.    I am not extinct, Robin thought, but her eye got caught on the other part of the mail. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to trace anyone else from that pack. Maybe she was extinct. Robin has never thought of the possibility of other Oak Tails members surviving or dying, she mostly never thought of Oak Tails. Those thoughts never let anywhere good and always ended with her missing her parents.  She never fully considered that maybe, after the fighting stopped, and the winning side was assessing the damage, passing the survivors left and right, offering them asylums, Robin was the only one from Oak Tails to survive long enough to reach the promised asylum.    “Robin? What do you think? Should I agree?” Wren asked, snapping Robin out of her memories. Robin looked at the email again. Oak Tails history was nearly lost to time, newest history books never even mentioning the biggest pack in those side of the forests. “Yes, set up a meeting with him, you need to know more about the research and all the details before you agree,” Robin said but Wren kept looking at her. “What about the Oak Tails part?” Robin sighed and nodded. “Send him my private address and ask him to contact me from there. I’ll do it.” Robin was determined to bring back Oak Tails its glory; its history and culture were far richer than some packs displayed in this museum.     Wren nodded with a smile. “I can’t wait to get it started. This is a wonderful opportunity for all of us,” she said with genuine happiness and Robin couldn’t help but mirror her smile. I’ll make you proud. Robin thought of her parents.    A week passed, and while Robin was busy with creating a long chain of correspondence with Professor Declan, Wilder was busy with finishing the quarterly reports and the collaborative project with Lauren’s team. Wilder felt weird that he would no longer have fake reasons to go into Lauren’s office and talk with her. That part of the office was. Temporary location for Lauren and her team, as soon as the project was done and they managed to reach their goals with it, Lauren and her team would go back to their own building which was on the other side of the city.    “We will definitely, ace it,” Wilder said as he and Lauren entered the elevator. Their 5th date was yesterday and it ended in a hotel room.  None of the wolves felt comfortable enough to drag the other to their pack, so they settled on the human city and its neutrality. “Of course, we will, we have you as a presenter,” Lauren said and kissed Wilder on the cheek. Wilder smiled, “I can focus on the presentation for a little while, but at some point, I might just start talking about you and your gorgeous face.” They chuckled and kissed, pulling away as the elevator doors opened.    As soon as their meeting was dismissed, Wilder knew that they have succeeded. It was very easy to read humans and their thinking faces. They liked the project, they liked the idea. It was a full success. The only other person who understood it was Lauren. Wilder and she shared a look and smiled. Maybe, a stable relationship isn’t that bad. Wilder thought as he and Lauren sneaked away to celebrate in their own way.     
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