{Victoria} "Demetri! Give me back my suitcase!" I squeal and run after his retreating figure. "No. You'll wear what we put in for you in the closet. What you have in this suitcase are-are vulgarities," he growled in response but Dominic stopped him halfway down the stairs. "Demetri, the clothing in here can not be too bad. Can it?" Dominic tried to convince him and I ran towards his side. "See for yourself," he muttered. Nic opened up my suitcase and pulled out a white blouse. "I see nothing wrong with this," Nic frowns. "It shows too much skin at the neckline," Damien growls as he approached Demetri, taking his side. My cheeks puff up in anger and Nic does slow circular motions on my back. "It is a v-neck, it's not like I'm showing my babies to anyone else," I retorted but their f