Home Alone

1653 Words
As soon as he pulled up on my drive way, I exited the car and ran for the door. I hurried to my room and locked the door, resting against it like always. What a day! I wasn't sure if something was in the air or not, but something was definitely up. I fell into my regular routine, stripping out of my clothes as I walked to my bed. I laid on my bed in only my bra and underwear as I cooled off from my exhausting day. I had to admit, it wasn't what I was expecting... by a long shot. As I grabbed my bag from the floor to gather my homework, I thought back to Christian and his weird behaviour. What made things worse was how easy I was willing to forget his past misdeeds, and believe he truly wanted a fresh start. But it was too risky, and I wasn't willing to take that risk. I rolled over on my back as I read over the instructions for my English paper, a pen in my mouth. I lost track of time as a small knock came from my door. "I'm heading out." Maddison called before I heard her retreating foot steps down the stairs. No doubt she was heading to that party everyone, but me, seemed to be invited to. I turned back over on my stomach, my legs in the air, crossed, as I began to create an outline. Another knock echo throughout my small room, this time from my window that overlooked the neighbours house. I jumped and shrieked as my papers went flying around me, landing everywhere. I turned to stare in freight, but that quickly turned into anger. I stormed over to the window, opening it. I glanced outside, noticing the slight break in the frail tree branch that hung close to my window. He stood on the house top, his chest bare and his earphones in his ears. He gave me a once over, and then another, a slight crocked smirk on his lips. I brushed off the feelings it brought up and ignored my pounding heart. "What the hell are you doing on my roof?" I whispered out the window into the chilly night. "Hello to you too" he smiled, pulling his earphones from his ear. "Can I come in?" "Can't you ring the doorbell like a normal person?" I moved aside to let him in. I would have said 'no' but I was worried regarding how he was going to get down. Unlike him, I wasn't a barbaric, but if I was, I would have pushed his off the roof myself. I smiled at the thought. "Would you have opened the door?" he raised a brow at me. "Huh" I realized as I thought about that. "Probably not" I answered honestly. When he bent and picked up the dress that I wore today off the floor, I finally realized why he was gazing at me like that earlier, and right now. Embarrassment washed over me as I realized I was half naked in front of my tormentor. I jumped across my bed awkwardly and raced for my robe that was thrown over my arm chair. "Why didn't you say something?" I scold, wrapping the robe tight. He raised a brow at me again, a small smile playing on his lips. He picked up the clothing and paper that laid along my floor, placing them in the hamper in the corner of the room and on the bed. "If you climbed two stories up a tree to clean my room, I could have just scheduled you in" I comment sarcastically. He ignored me, glancing around the area. "A bit small isn't it?" He murmured. "What's that suppose to mean?" I challenged. "Someone of your status should not be confined to such a small space" he explained. I rose my brow at him this time, taking a seat on my bed. I wasn't sure what he meant by 'status' but I took a guess at it. "The fact that I have a room for myself is a privilege in itself." "You're so humble" he admired, a slight smile returning to his feature. I rolled my eyes at him, confused as to why he was on my roof. "Did you need something?" I asked. "Not in particular" He took a seat on the edge of my bed, laying beside me. I stared down at him as if he wasn't human. What the hell was going on today? "Let me rephrase that, what are you doing in my room?" I pronounced, making it clear that his presence was not required. "Well, I went for a run and I couldn't stop thinking about you." he gazed over at me, something glimmering in his eyes. "I had to see you." he breathed. I had no idea how captivated I was by his stare until his hand reached for mine. I pulled away from him, raising from the bed. "OKAY!" I shouted. "That's is it. Your games stop right now! And get out of my house!" I added. He gazed up at me, the glimmer still in his eyes. He didn't move, his heavy body still creating a dent in my bed. "Mia, calm down" he ordered authoritatively. My mouth immediately felt shut, my tongue, tied. It wasn't a suggestion, but an order. It came out deep and commanding, overriding every ounce of rebellion I had. It was like he tapped into a part of me that only he knew how to. "Come back on the bed." He muttered coolly. I inched closer to the bed, sitting on the edge, making sure we were as far away as possible from each other. "Now," his smile had turned "What would you like to talk about?" The first thing that popped into my head. "Why aren't you at the party?" I asked. "Because you refused to go with me and I'd rather be with my Luna" "Your what?" I have never heard that word before. And the word 'my' came out a bit possessively, as if I belonged to him. "It's something you will learn later on" He reassured me. "There will be no later on. When you leave this room and then this house, we will no longer speak." "That's not going to happen." he challenged. "Wanna bet?" I retorted He sat up on the bed, his bare chest becoming more visible and provoking. God, football was really doing him good. He sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "Why do you challenge my every word?" "Because I owe you nothing and the last thing I would do is to take your words as final." I rolled my eyes, gathering my papers on the bed. "I'm trying really hard to make things right between us here, Mia." "Why is that suddenly so important to you?" I wondered. He came closer to me, helping me with the scattered papers. "Do you believe in soul mates?" he asked abruptly. "Umm," I froze for a second, thinking about his question. "Do you?" "Absolutely." He nodded once, no hint of a smile on his face. "Well," I sighed, our eyes still interlocked. "I guess I believe in true love." I admitted quietly. The room went quiet as it ironically got louder. All I could hear was our breathing as our eyes peered into one another's. His thin pink lips opened slightly, as if to say something, but then closed. Our proximity was beyond close, air barely getting between us. "You should go" I muttered through strength. "Is that what you want?" he questioned innocently. I should have answered without a pause. But instead I couldn't. The question struck me, as if the answer was unclear. "Yes" I lied, finally getting it out. The small growl I've been hearing a lot lately appeared again, this time from his chest. I shied away from him, the sound not normal. He sighed and cleared his throat, calming himself. "Guess you're headed to that party anyways huh?" I tried to make light of the situation, hiding my own reluctance to make him leave. "Actually, I was planning to get started on my English essay" he glanced down at my papers, flipping through them. "Great. I'll see you never" I opened my room door, motioning him out. He glanced up at me and then sighed. "One of these days you will have to stop resisting me, love. I'm not sure how much of this he can take." "Talking about yourself in third person is a turn off" I informed. "Then what can I do to turn you on" he teased, treading towards me. His body stood in front of mine, our figures touching. I closed my eyes as I tried to calm my heart beat. His fingers tugged one of the strings on the robe, opening it up. My blue floral underwear contracted against my soft salmon bra. I covered my eyes in embarrassment. The first guy to see me in my underwear was the last guy I wanted to be seen with. I felt the cool tips of his fingers brush across my midsection slowly, sending electric shocks through my body. My knees quivered, and my body shook. The room still remained quiet except for our breathing. "All I ask is for your forgiveness, angel" he muttered, removing my hand from my face. "That's not easy" I admitted quietly. "I'm willing to work for it," he nodded "but you have to give me that chance." I gazed up at him, our history impacting my vision of him. "I can't allow you to hurt me again" I shook my head, heading from the room and down the stairs. I opened the front door, signalling for him to leave. "What do you want me to do to make it right?" He pleaded as he stepped out the door and turned to me. "Just let this all go and leave me alone" I closed the door as fast as I possibly could. I could still see his figure as he stood outside the door, his body not moving. I hurried back to my room and bolted the window, drawing the curtain, and locking the door. I laid on my bed again, this time with anxiety swarming my mind, and tears leaking from my eyes.
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