The Auction

3060 Words
Dranz Tonight is Max's fundraising event, that includes selling of different antique pieces, jewelries, and bachelors. Yep, we are also being auctioned. This is also the night where Max and I are playing matchmaker for my uncle and her aunt. Speaking of Max, it's been days since the night of Anya's birthday that I kind of confessed my feelings and she became my girlfriend. My very first girlfriend. To say that I am a noob is an understatement. I am totally clueless in having a girlfriend, or handling a relationship. But one thing's for sure, I really like Max and I don't want other man near her. Now that she's officially mine, I feel happy and accomplished. Right now, I'm at home doing nothing. Yup, Dranz Salvatore is having a lazy day. I'm just lounging by the pool, and sipping coffee. "Dranz, are you sick?" I looked up to see my mom staring down at me, looking worried. "Hi mom." I greeted her with a smile. Mom then walked towards me and placed the back of her hand on my forehead. "You don't have fever. Are you having a hang over? But you did not drink last night." Mom said. I chuckled at her. "I'm fine mom. It's a nice morning, I just want to lounge around here." I told her. My mom looked at me weirdly, then she pulled out her phone from her jeans pocket and punched in some numbers to call someone. "Hello mon amour." My mom spoke as soon as her call was answered. "I think something's wrong with your son." My mom said, talking to dad. I chuckled at her, and she looked at me before walking away still talking to dad. I shook my head and took a sip of my coffee, and texted Max. The exchange of texts with Max made me smile. "What's up with you?" I almost choke on my coffee when my brother appeared out of nowhere. "What the hell Eirick! Why would you appear out of nowhere!" I exclaimed. Eirick arched his eyebrow. "I was here for a while now. You just don't notice since you're in your own little world, which is quite rare. And you being cheery is creeping me out." He said, and I frowned. "You popping out of nowhere is creepy." I told him. Then Eirick narrowed his eyes on me. "Are you on drugs?" he asked. "No! Can you just leave me alone you creep." I told him. Eirick shrugged and walk away. "Weirdo." I mumbled, then I heard my phone ring. Max's name flash on my phone screen. I immediately answered her call. "Hey." I said, grinning. "Hi. I just called to ask you if your uncle has arrived?" I heard her ask. "Yeah. He's in the hotel's penthouse suite. Uncle Riu came too." I told her. "That's great. Tia Isadora just arrived, and madre's with her." She said. "Are you sure about this? Letting them meet again, after their break up?" I asked. "Those two are just being stubborn. We're just giving them a little push. If it didn't work then, there's nothing I can do." She said. I let out a sigh. "Are you sure you don't need any help with the preparation for tonight?" I asked her, changing the topic. "Yeah. Linda, the events planner is doing a great job. Besides, you already offered your hotel's garden for the venue. That's enough help." She said. "That's great then. So I'll see you tonight." I told her. "Yeah. Wear your best. I expect the highest auction money will come from your bidding." She teased, and I snorted. "Then you'll have to bid a big amount so I won't end up spending the whole weekend with some old woman." I teased her back, and she let out a loud laugh that sounds like music to my ears. "What makes you think I'll bidding for you Mr. Salvatore?" She asked, giggling. I frowned with what she said. "I swear, I'll ran away if I someone else won the bidding for me." I said pouting, and she laughed again. "Oh Dranz. Even if I want to, I won't be participating in the auction. I'm the organizer." She said. "Hmp, not fair. I'll think of something." I whined, and she laughed again. "I'll see you tonight." She said, then she hang up. I sighed and put my phone down. Then I stood up and about to go inside when I was startled to see my mom and brother standing there looking at me. "See mom, I told you he's acting weird. Do you think the aliens did something in his brain?' Eirick said to mom. I scowled at them, and rolled my eyes. I ignored them and went inside so I can think of a way to spend the weekend with my girlfriend. ******************** Third Person POV When the night came, Dranz, his brother and his parents are all dressed and ready to go to the hotel for the fundraising event. "Dranz." Dranz heard his dad call as he went down the stairs. "Yeah?" He asked his dad. "Are you alright son?" Alex asked his son, because his wife was worried that their son is acting weird. Dranz furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm fine dad. Whatever mom and Eirick told you, they're just being paranoid." Dranz paused and unbuttoned his Armani jacket. "I'll go ahead to the venue. I'm quite excited tonight." Dranz said and left, leaving his father staring at him bewildered. "See, I told you something's strange with your son!" Marie exclaimed, as she approach her husband. "He's excited for the event?" Alex asked. "Dranz never express excitement towards events like this. Heck, he never got excited for birthdays too." Marie said. The husband and wife looked at each other. "What should we do mon amour?" Marie asked her husband. "I don't know cara mia. I feel like our son has finally become human." Alex told his wife. ************** In the event, Dranz managed to get in the venue without being noticed by the paparazzi. When he got there, he was amazed on how the garden transformed into such an elegant museum exhibit. The items displayed are arranged like those in the museums, and each item has a guard or two guarding it. Looking around, Dranz noticed the increase of security. This event is not just a simple fundraising event, a lot of VIPs will be attending. Two of those VIPs are his own uncles. The princes of Monaco. "I hope the set up is up to your standards Mr. Salvatore." Dranz turned around and smiled when he saw his girlfriend, the organizer of the event standing there. "The place looks marvelous, like you." Dranz said, before leaning towards Max and kissed her cheek. Max's cheek blushed, making Dranz pinch her cheek. "You look incredibly gorgeous." Dranz told Max, who wore a white button up shirt and a floor length black velvet puffy skirt. Her hair was up in a messy bun and as usual, a no make up look. "Thank you." Max mumbled, smiling. Dranz grabbed Max's hand and interlaced their fingers together. "So, have you sold any of those pieces?" Dranz asked pointing at the displayed items. "Actually, only a handful are left unpurchased." Max said. Dranz mouth 'wow' and took a flute of champagne from a waiter passing drinks, and gave it to Max, before getting himself one. "Where are your parents?" Max asked Dranz, who'e sipping his champagne. "They're on their way. Where's your aunt? I haven't seen uncle Marcel but his security is all over the place." Dranz asked. Max pointed towards the fountain, and there stood Countess Isadora Braganza. The woman who embodied the saying that 'age is just a number'. The Countess looked timeless and beautiful on her maroon lace dress. Countess Isadora is currently talking with some Distillery businessmen. Among the Braganza siblings, Isadora was the one to manage their family's distillery business. "She still looked the same time I last saw her when she's still dating my uncle." Dranz said. "Yeah, it seems like she never gets old. I swear she found the fountain of youth." Max said, chuckling. Then Aris and Sami came and joined them, and Max and Dranz immediately let go of each other's hand. "You're really joining the auction? You?" Aris asked Dranz. "Yup. It's for good cause, so why not." Dranz said, smiling. Aris and Sami looked at each other, then back to Dranz. "Okay, who are you and what have you done to our friend?" Aris asked , and Dranz laughed out loud. "Oh Aris. I didn't know you could be this funny." Dranz chuckled. While Dranz was laughing, and Aris is looking at him weirdly, Max noticed a man with tall stature and dominating aura approached her aunt Isadora. The man gave the countess a bow and then he kissed the back of her hand. Aris looked at where his cousin is looking at, and he too was in awe with what he saw. "Hey Max, is that-" Max cut off her cousin. "Yep. Tia Isa's ex-boyfriend, Crown Prince Marcel Grimaldi." Max said. Dranz and Sami looked at the estranged couple as well. "Well so far so good." Dranz said. "Wait, did you two planned this?" Aris asked his cousin and his friend. Max and Dranz just smiled, and Aris groaned. As the small group continued to watch, the crown prince just asked the countess for a dance. "They're dancing." Aris said. "No s**t babe. They still look good together. How long was it since they broke up?" Sami asked. "Five years." Max and Dranz answered in unison, which earned a curious look from the couple. The small group was so into watching the countess and the prince dance, when Drenk and his sister approached them. "Hey." Drenk greeted. "Hi." Max greet back, with a smile. Such gesture earned a scowl from Dranz. "You did a great job with the venue, it's so cool." Drenk told Max. Max giggled. "It's all Linda. I'm glad Sami recommended her." Max said. "I only recommend the best." Sami said. "Are you participating in the auction too Drenk?" Aris asked. Drenk grinned and looked at Max. "Yep! I just can't say no to Max." Drenk said, winking at Max. "Dranz will participate too." Aris said, and Drenk whipped his head towards his friend. "Your being auctioned too?" Drenk asked. Dranz scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest. "She's pretty much convincing." Dranz said. Anya grinned and threw herself on Dranz. She wrapped her arm around Dranz arm and act all touchy. "Don't worry Dranz. I'll be bidding for you, that's for sure." Anya said, and Max narrowed her eyes on Anya's arm on Dranz. "No need for you to do that." Dranz said. "But I want to. I heard it'll be a weekend date." Anya paused and looked at her brother. "Drenk, lend me some money okay." Anya said to her brother. Drenk rolled his eyes, and he was about to retort when Linda approached them. "Excuse me, Ms. Braganza the auction will start in a few. Can I ask the candidates to come with me." Linda said. "Well, that's your cue." Max said looking at Drenk and Dranz. "Okay, let's do this. Bid for me Max." Drenk said to Max with a wink. Dranz pushed him away from Max and then pulled whim to follow the event organizer. "We'll excuse me I'll look for a nice seat in front." Anya said, and left. Once Anya was gone, Aris stopped Max from leaving. "What's going on? How the hell did you manage to convince Dranz participate? And-" Aris paused when he saw another familiar face climbed the makeshift stage as one of the bachelors being auctioned. "Is that Prince Marius? Dranz another uncle?" Aris asked. Max furrowed her eyebrows at what Aris said, so she looked towards the makeshift stage. On the stage, instead of Prince Marcel, it was Prince Marius. She internally cursed, afraid that something in her plan won't go like she wanted to. She looked around trying to find the crown prince. She was starting to panic when she caught the sight of the crown prince. But he was not alone, instead he's with the countess. The pair chatting while smiling and on their way out of the venue. Max smirked, quite pleased that somehow her plan didn't go to waste. "Okay, tell me what's going on." Aris said. Max smiled at her cousin. "It's going to start, let's go." Max chirped, and then she grabbed Aris and Sami's hand, dragging them near the stage. The emcee now stood in the middle of the stage with a microphone in his hand. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the grand Braganza Empire Fundraising Event. Tonight, we have a couple of rare and marvelous items in display, and for sale. The items are gifts acquired by the jewel of the Braganza Empire from her stay abroad. Tonight, those items were sold for a fair price, and proceeds will go to a new charity project. To explain to us about this project, let me call on Ms. Maxine Emerald Braganza," On cue, Max climbed up the stage and the emcee gave the microphone to her. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen. First of all, let me thank each and every person present in this event. The money from the sold items, your generous donations will be going to fund my project." Max paused. "During my stay abroad, I was able to see the real face of poverty. People without food on their table, roof over their heads, and people dying of disease easy enough to cure if given proper medical attention. But due to them lacking money, they cannot avail different kinds of medical services to make them better." "So with careful planning and studies, I came up with a project. A project of providing a state of the art medical facilities to places with high poverty rate. Free medical facilities, treatments and services for all those who cannot afford to be treated in a regular hospital." The audience somewhat looked impressed with her project. "For the project to push through, I gathered funds from my own pocket, aid from different international NGOs, and donations from different capable people. But I still came short. So I organized this event for the people of New York to have the chance to be a part of this project." "The money from my collections, your donations and even from the auction will go straight to Gift of Health project. And as of my last check, this event already garnered a hefty amount of hundred and fifty million dollars." Max said, and the audience applauded. "Thank you very much. But the event wasn't going to end with that. Tonight, I gathered a few bachelors of New York, and Monaco." Max paused and slight bowed her head towards Prince Marius. "The highest bidder will have a chance to have a weekend date with these bachelors. And of course, the money will be go straight to the Gift of Health project." Max explained. The emcee approached Max. "What a vision!" The emcee exclaimed. "Like parents, like daughter. I'm sure Mr. and Mrs. Braganza are very proud of their unica hija." The emcee said, gazing towards Max's parents in front of the stage who looked proud as ever. "Let's start with the auction shall we? I'm sure the ladies are quite excited." The emcee said and a few squeals from the female audience was heard. One by one, each bachelor was called in the center stage. A few introductions before the bidding starts. There were ten bachelors, including a few models and celebrities that were already auctioned. Now Drenk was called in. "Now we have Drenko McPearson, heir to the MR Publishing Company. Son of Nathaniel McPearson, and the former model Anika Reeves-McPearson. He's a graduating college student taking up Bachelor of Science in Business. Bidding starts with twenty thousand dollars." the emcee said. "Twenty five thousand dollars!" "Twenty five thousand, am I hearing twenty six?" "Twenty seven thousand dollars!" The bidding went on until Drenk was sold to a celebrity heiress at the amount of thirty five thousand dollars. "Now, let me call in our tonight's import." The emcee paused. "We have Prince Marius Grimaldi of Monaco. The prince already gave a fair amount earlier but still participated in this auction. His highness runs his family's hotel and resort business in Europe, and in partnership with Salvatore Hotels and Casino. Single and ready to mingle." The emcee introduced the prince who smirked and winked at the female audience. Such gesture earned a very loud squeal and cheer from the female audiences. It's no surprise since the prince looked really handsome, and his charm is what made him quite famous with girls in Europe. "Bidding starts at fifty thousand dollars." The emcee said. "Fifty thousand dollars!" "Fifty thousand, am I-" "Fifty five thousand!" The bidding for the prince went up, up to Seventy five thousand dollars. He was sold to a pretty jewelry heiress from France. Prince Marius smirked at the heiress for he knew he's in big trouble. And the last one to be called in the center stage was Dranz. As he stood there, he could easily see his parents and brother in the audience. His parent's face was of pure shock, that both had their mouths hanging open. Some of the audience that knew how Dranz is, are quite surprised too. New York's Ice Prince actually joined an auction, instead of just standing beside his father. "Okay, for our last candidate. Drancis Salvatore, the heir of the Salvatore Group, and the fourth in line to the throne of Monaco. Dubbed as New York's Ice Prince, and Business Prodigy. Like Drenko earlier, he's graduating in college with a business course." The emcee introduced Dranz. "Bidding starts at twenty thousand dollars!" The emcee exclaimed. "Twenty thousand!" Dranz looked around to see who called in, and it was Anya grinning. Dranz looked at Max who was busy glaring at Anya's direction. "Twenty five!" One of the models exclaimed. Anya huffed, glaring at the model. "Twenty seven!' Anya exclaimed. "Twenty eight!" Another model exclaimed. "We have twenty eight. Is there a twenty nine?" The emcee asked. "Thirty thousand dollars!" The first model exclaimed. "Thirty five thousand!" Anya exclaimed, and then sticking out her tongue towards the model. "Thirty five, is there a thirty six?" The emcee asked. "Fifty thousand!" Another model and heiress exclaimed. Anya and the other models looked frustrated. "Fifty thousand, going once, going twice." The emcee said, and was about to hit the gavel when- "One hundred thousand dollars!" The audience went silent. Dranz stepped forwards and took a cheque from his jacket's inner pocket. "Actually, a hundred and fifty thousand dollars." Dranz said. "Uhm, I-I don't think it's-" The emcee got cut off by Dranz who was smirking. "I'm bidding for myself." Dranz paused and looked towards Max. "To have a weekend date with Ms. Maxine Braganza."
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