Chapter 21

1039 Words

    Emilia looked at me worriedly, “Step one? What is step one?” She asked. I looked at her, my eyes wide with their own worry. “I have no idea. Miykal has a plan,” I said as I looked at Emilia and then outside the window. “This surely is a magical scenery,” I said as Emilia remained looking at me. “I never really saw snow before. So, what is it like?” I turned to Emilia. Emilia shook her head, “It is cold, and it can be fluffy. You can build snowmen, and snowballs with it. It is surely beautiful to watch,” She said as she came to the window I was looking out at. “What is a snowman?” I asked. Emilia’s jaw dropped. “Okay, so we need to get dressed,” Emilia said as she ran into the closet. “A nice big comfortable jacket, a long sleeve, and some jeans. Oh, and these boots,” Emilia said as she

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