Chapter 2 Who send you

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“Bang!” A few hours later, when the security guards on board were doing the routine inspection, suddenly, accompanied by two muffled sounds, the two men fell to the ground both with a bloody hole on the forehead. “Hey! Look over here! Yeah! Good!” All of a sudden, a fierce-looking bald man walked into the middle of the aisle, holding up a Russian Viper pistol in his hand, smiled and said, “Good afternoon, dear my friends. So sorry to have bothered you. But, I’m really in short of money these days, so, if you want to survive, be a good slave and hand out your every valuable.” After a pause, the bald man smiled sullenly. “If anyone doesn’t cooperate, the corpse on the ground will be your end.” “Ah!!!” A hijacking? The passengers who were awakened by the gunfire looked at each other in speechless despair and looked at the bald man with alarm and horror, not expecting that the hijacking could happen to them which they had only seen in a movie. “Ah! Help! Don’t kill me!” “Help! Blood! Bodies!” Some of the timid female passengers screamed, but with a loud thud, the world went quiet and the screams stopped. The middle-aged woman who had screamed the most before was now lying in a pool of blood. Her white sable tippet all dyed red. Her eyes wide open as if she could not believe she had just died like this. Now, all of them understood that they were not in a prank! This was a real hijacking! “Hush, hush.” “Yeah, there you go.” Seeing that all had shut their mouth, the bald gangster smiled. “Hey, don’t be afraid. We only want the money. As long as you cooperate, you will be fine. However, if you are not willing to give up your money, keep it and spend it in hell.” Although the bald man’s murderous means made everyone nervous, what he had said relaxed the panic of the people instead. After all, this gang was only seeking wealth. They can make more money if they lose it, but they had only one life to live. At this moment, Rebecca looked pale. She clutched her Louis Vuitton handbags and was in a state of confusion. What happened?! A hijacking?! Rebecca was unusually anxious. She traveled from country to country to retrieve her mother’s memento. In order to avoid attention, she deliberately had chosen the ordinary business class and even used a counterfeit passport. But unexpectedly, she still ran into such trouble. Can it be that…? These people were in fact after me?! Thought about that, immediately, Rebecca was surprised and angry. Jesus! What’s wrong with this yokel? How can he sleep like the dead under the circumstances?! When Rebecca catch a glimpse of Amos who was still sleeping, for a moment it struck her as absurd; but, on second thoughts, she began to envy this guy. Looking at those gangsters stripping the passengers of the front rows of their belongings, she was clutching her purses with anxiety. The Whites had cost a great price to get her mother’s relics, and then they had divided into six groups back home for a safe cover. But after all, it was still being targeted. What should I do? Should I resign to my fate to hand it over? “Hey, beauty, put your cash and any other valuable stuff in this bag.” While her thoughts were wandering, those men were in front of her. Rebecca bit her lips, and slowly put the cash and jewelry on her into the traveling bag in the hand of this tall bandit. Although she had already guessed that these guys were very likely after her, but she still held a fluke, hoping that she was wrong. Unfortunately, the tall bandit quickly broke her fantasy. He sneered, “Beauty, your handbag has not handed out. Hurry up. We only want money. Don’t make me shoot.” Hearing that, Rebecca immediately confirmed her guess. She suddenly raised her head and stared at the tall man. “Who send you?” “What? Ha, ha...” The tall ruffian was stunned for a moment but then burst into laughter. “Well, beauty, have you been too scared to think straight? What do you mean 'who sent you'? Hijacking! We’re hijacking! Haven’t you ever seen a f*****g movie?” “Well, is it? hijack a plane?” Rebecca sneer. “If it is really so, you are just stupid. Rob a bank or a gold shop is more profitable and low-risk. Don’t think that everyone is as stupid as you are.” That's right. Rebecca was 100 percent affirmative that this is a plot, a plot against her! These people obviously wanted to go off with her mother’s relics, but they did not want to cause too much attention, therefore, they used hijacking as a cover to cover up the truth! “Why there are so many noises?!” When the tall bandit was pressed into silence by Rebecca’s intense questions, Amos was awakened. He yawned and complained in a trance. “Shut up!” “Shut up!” The two people turned their heads and shouted with one voice. Amos then blinked his innocent eyes and then get some clarity on the situation. “Hey, you guys, go ahead. Just ignore me...”
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