Chapter 9-2

2140 Words

“Kinda, but he fixes things too. Like a contractor. People hire him to do renovations but also fix random things around the house. A jack-of-all-trades, I guess you could say.” “Well…” I c***k some eggs into a bowl while she continues to stare at my bare back as if I can’t see her reflection in the microwave. “I might not have his skill level, but if you have a measuring tape, I’ll get the size of your frame before we go.” “Oh, I do! Great idea. Then we can stop at Katie’s on the way back if we need to.” “Sounds good.” I finish making breakfast and put some bread in the toaster. Once they’re done, I butter them and serve Everleigh. “This looks awesome. You’re becoming quite the little homemaker.” “I wouldn’t say that.” “Oh come on, don’t be offended. You can be a good cook and still

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