Chapter 3

2484 Words
The following morning doesn’t come as early as I expect it to, considering I struggled to fall asleep. It’s hard to comprehend that I’m free to do whatever I want, but it’s even harder to break out of a schedule I’ve had—meals and falling asleep at specific times—for the past five years. Though the accommodations were awful, it always takes me a bit to get used to a new place. After I shower, I dress in a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. I didn’t bring much with me, but I’ll eventually buy more clothes once I make some money. I walk into the kitchen where Everleigh’s making food. She looks gorgeous with her dark hair pulled halfway up to reveal the softness of her neck. It’s hard for me not to focus on her ruby-red lips when she smiles and shows off her perfectly straight teeth. My roommate that I"m looking at is not the hot mess I was introduced to yesterday. “Mornin’,” she says, taking a sip of coffee. “Made you some toast with grape jelly.” “That’s sweet of you. Thank you.” She pops an eyebrow, noticing the way I’m studying her. “What? You have a look on your face. Spill it.” “Are you always so…” I try to search for the correct word. “Observant?” The last thing I want to do is tell her how absolutely f*****g gorgeous she is, considering we just met. “Yes.” She snorts. “I’m good at reading people. So what is it? Did you sleep okay?” “Yes, just fine. And nothing really. I’m just not used to someone taking care of me. I was always the one who took care of everyone.” “Well, get used to it,” she says as she hands me a cup of coffee, then joins me at the breakfast bar. “You’re going to spoil me if you keep this up,” I tell her, though I truly do appreciate how much she’s trying to make me feel at home. A laugh escapes her. “Good. Means you’ll live with me longer.” I find it easy to chat with her about absolutely nothing. “What time do you have to be at work?” I ask. “Oh, I’m going in at seven, but the boutique doesn’t open until nine. I have some new items I need to put out, and I’m trying to get ahead with decorating the shop. I’m sure Tyler’s already warned you about my Christmas obsession.” I nod. “He showed me what the front of your boutique looks like now too. Very festive.” “Right! It looks like it was decorated by the fall queen, doesn’t it?” She beams with pride, which makes me smile. “Yes. Something like that.” “Well, just wait until Santa Claus comes to town.” She waggles her brows. “Faux snow, reindeer, and presents. I can’t wait to display it all.” “I’m sure your customers love it,” I say, and she agrees with a nod. As soon as I finish my breakfast and look at the time, I hear a car door shut outside. I’m not sure Tyler has a late bone in his body. A few knocks ring out, and Everleigh answers it, allowing him inside. “You clean up nice,” he tells her. “Of course I do,” she throws back. “Mornin’,” I say, chugging the rest of my coffee because it’s too good to pour out. “Good mornin’. Ya ready?” He looks around the spotless house but doesn’t say anything. “Want some coffee?” Everleigh offers just as Sassy runs toward him. “My sweet girl,” Tyler says, bending down to pet her. “No, thanks. I had a cup already.” “Wanna take her outside?” Everleigh asks. “She’s already gone once, but she’d probably go again.” “Sure. But quickly ’cause we gotta get goin’,” he says, then leads Sassy to the back door to go outside. Everleigh’s standing so close to me that I can smell the faint hint of her floral perfume. When her arm brushes against mine, electricity streams between us, and it nearly knocks me down. I’m convinced she feels it too. Her eyebrow perks up, but thankfully, Tyler returns. He looks at us standing close to each other and narrows his eyes at Everleigh. “You ready?” I ask, putting much-needed space between us. “Yep,” he says, giving Sassy one last pet before telling Everleigh goodbye. “See y’all later. Try not to bore Archer to death.” “Yeah, yeah,” Tyler responds. We walk to his car and get in. There’s a car seat in the back, and I still can’t believe he has a baby. We used to talk a lot about what our futures would look like, and I’m happy he got exactly what he wished for. “First up is the DMV since it’s a thirty-minute drive. The doors open at seven, but it’s best to get there before the rush. Afterward, we’ll hit the post office and bank. Then I’ll give you a tour of the gym,” he says, pulling out of the driveway. “Sounds like a solid plan,” I admit. These tasks are daunting for most people, but it means ultimate freedom to me. It takes a few hours for us to get everything done, and I had almost forgotten how impatient people can be while waiting. Couldn"t imagine any of them being behind bars for five years. After I get a license with my new address and open a checking account, relief washes over me. After the bank, Tyler puts the car into drive, and we head to the gym. “Oh, tomorrow I have to meet my parole officer at eight.” “Ya need a ride?” he asks, and the guilt begins to pour in because the last thing I want is to inconvenience him even more. He’s already driving me all over today. “Nah, I don’t want to be a burden. I’ll order a taxi or something.” “You kiddin’ me? You aren’t, not even close. I want to help you, Archer. That’s why I told you to come out here. Trust me, I’m more than happy to do whatever you need.” “Thanks, man. I just feel…I don’t know. I can’t really explain it.” “You don’t have to. I understand, and I’m here for you, man. Please don’t ever forget that.” I nod, grateful to have a friend like Tyler. Once he parks, we walk to the entrance. The place is larger than I imagined, and I love the oversized windows across the front that give a perfect street view. Once I step in, I’m even more impressed than I already was. The first thing I notice is the juice bar along with all the equipment. “Want to try one?” Tyler asks. “Sure. I can’t remember the last time I had a smoothie.” “Oh, you haven’t ever had a smoothie until you’ve tasted one of these.” Tyler smirks. hadA younger woman who looks like she recently graduated high school is running the bar. There are a lot of options, and I can’t decide what I want. “What’s your favorite?” I ask her and look down at her name tag. Raquel. “Well, I really like the pumpkin cream or the classic strawberry banana.” “Surprise me,” I say, and within a couple of minutes, she’s sliding a pink concoction across the countertop. I take a sip, and my tastebuds nearly explode in my mouth. “Wow.” Wow.“Right!” Tyler eagerly nods as he leads me to the section of free weights and exercise machines. “We’re so damn busy during lunch because everyone wants smoothies and protein blends.” “That’s awesome for you guys,” I add, nearly inhaling the magical drink in my hand. “Yeah, it is. Really grateful.” Tyler waves a hand around the room. “This is the main area where people work out,” he explains before leading me to a secluded area. “This is what I couldn’t wait to show you.” There’s a boxing ring and kickboxing bags with gloves and powder sitting against the wall. For the first time in years, I feel like I’m where I’m supposed to be. I’m speechless as I take it all in. “Incredible, isn’t it?” “Hell yeah, it is! I can’t believe you have a full-sized ring in here.” I move forward, running my hand across the posts and ropes. “Want to put on some gloves?” He walks over and grabs two pairs. “You have to put your weight on the floor and feel the bounce.” I slip the gloves over my hands and swallow down my emotions. Boxing was one of the only things that saved me when I felt like I had nothing else in life. When we were cellmates, Tyler taught me everything he knew, and considering I wasn’t as experienced, it gave me something to look forward to. Throwing punches the correct way and learning how to read my opponent helped me so damn much. I had a lot of internal anger to work through, and boxing helped with that. Tyler puts on his gloves, and we step into the ring. “Go easy on me. I haven’t boxed with someone else in a while,” I admit as he positions himself. We throw a few jabs, and duck then punch, connecting with his cheek. The motion of it feels incredible. After a few staggered steps, Tyler laughs and connects with my jaw. After we’ve both taken a few hits, we come to a truce and call it quits. “You’ve gotten faster on your feet, and your posture was perfect,” Tyler compliments. “Thanks. I kept training after you left. Gave me something to focus on,” I admit. “Which is exactly why I’d like you to start training others. We have a long-ass waiting list right now, and we can barely keep up with it. Of course, I’d start you off with some beginners who have no clue what they’re doing, but pretty soon, you’ll have more experience than me.” “Really? You think I’m ready for that?” “More than ready, Archer. You’ve been working on this for years.” “Wow, I’m honored. I honestly would’ve cleaned the toilets if that’s what you needed.” He pats my back. “And let all that talent go to waste? Hell no. This will be good for both of us. I’m glad you’re here.” I nod with a grin. “Me too.” “I was thinking next week you could start shadowing one of our other boxing coaches, Matt. He’ll be here in about thirty minutes.” “Sounds like a solid plan,” I say as Tyler leads me to the locker room that has a steam room and hot tub. After the tour, a muscular guy with broad shoulders enters. “Matt,” Tyler calls out. “This is Archer.” “Hey, man. Nice to meet you.” He shakes my hand with a firm grip. “You’re the boxer, right?” I give him a curt nod. “Yep, that’s me.” “Heard good things about ya.” His client walks in, and Matt excuses himself. While I fill out my employment paperwork, Tyler answers a few membership questions from some locals. Once we’re both finished, he turns to me. “Wanna go out for lunch?” “Sure,” I tell him, and we walk outside. After a few minutes, we cross an intersection and arrive at a building that looks like it was built in the 1950s. “This is downtown in all its glory,” Tyler says. I chuckle. “This is it? You said small town, but this is tiny.” As soon as we enter, a bell dings above the door, and we’re quickly greeted by an older woman. “Hey, Tyler,” she says, squeezing him tightly. “And Archer!” She pulls me in next as if she’s known me my whole life. “We’re huggers ’round here. It’s nice to meet ya. I’m Belinda.” “Oh yeah, Tyler told me about you. Nice to meet you too.” “Hopefully all good things.” She winks and grabs two menus. “It was!” Tyler confirms as she leads us over to a booth by the window. “Today’s special is cowboy chili. Since the temperatures are startin’ to drop, it’s the perfect dish for fall,” she says. “Coffee?” Tyler nods. “Same for me.” “Got it.” Belinda walks away with a hop in her step. “She’s pretty awesome. You’ll probably see a lot of her since she’s dating Gemma’s dad,” he tells me, just before she returns with two steaming mugs. “You’re comin’ to Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday, right?” Belinda asks and notices my reaction, then turns to Tyler. “You haven’t invited him yet?” He chuckles. “I was gettin’ to it. Gemma reminded me before I left this morning too.” I speak up. “I’d like that. Thanks.” Belinda instantly smiles again. “Good. You’re too cute to be sittin’ at home alone. Plus, I love to cook. Speakin’ of, do y’all know what you’re havin’ today?” “I think I’m going with the special. Add onions and cheese, please,” Tyler says. “Same,” I tell her. “Great choice! It’ll be right up.” She turns and walks away. “Sorry I didn’t mention Thanksgiving dinner earlier. It’s gonna be great, though. Belinda’s an excellent cook and loves to feed us. I’ve had to run several extra miles a week because of her.” “She’s got spunk. I like her already.” I pick up my coffee and blow on it. “Oh, just wait until you meet Gemma’s dad,” he says. “Jerry’s her perfect match.” “I’m sure he is.” “So, are you excited to start trainin’?” “Hell yeah! I can’t wait. Seriously.” “Having you at the gym is gonna make things so much better. I have a feelin’ our memberships are gonna spike.” Tyler flashes me a smirk. I chuckle at what he’s implying. “Thanks, Tyler. I hope it does,” I say.
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