Chapter 1

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PRESENT DAY PRESENT DAYMy palms are sweaty, and I keep wiping them on my jeans as I wait for the plane to deboard. It’s been half a decade since I took a flight, and it was just as uneventful as before. I don’t know why I’m so nervous, considering Tyler has always been a close friend, but moving to the small town he grew up in is a big deal. Tyler and I were cellmates, and we kept in touch even after he was released. He’s like a brother to me, and we’d do anything for one another. It’s one of the reasons I considered moving here, plus I wanted to get the hell away from Nevada. After he offered me a job at the gym he just opened and helped me find a place to live in his hometown, I couldn’t say no. It was a chance for me to learn to live again without my past hanging over me like a black cloud. Eventually, it’s my turn, so I grab my carry-on. It’s all I brought with me. Though my sister packed all my things into boxes for when I got out, I decided to leave them behind. Once I’m off the plane, I quickly walk through the airport. I keep my head down, not wanting to draw attention to myself—something I’ve perfected over the years. Eventually, I find Tyler waiting for me outside. When I’m close, he gives me a tight hug. “Damn, you’re fit as f**k,” I tell him with a laugh when he lets me go. “The benefits of owning a gym, I suppose. Need some help with that?” “Nah,” I say and throw my suitcase into the back seat. “We’ll be in Lawton Ridge in a few hours. How was the flight?” he asks as we buckle, then turns onto the highway. “It was boring. Slept most of the time. But tell me about you. How’s dad life and the new business?” I have nothing interesting to talk about and often prefer to listen, but Tyler already knows that. He chuckles. “It’s amazing. I love being a dad and a husband. It’s two of my greatest accomplishments. The gym is growing, and we even have people driving from the next town over to join. Swear everyone in town has a membership at this point, which is a dream come true. Proof that it’s possible to start over and find happiness. It’s gonna happen for you too, Archer.” I give him a pointed look. “I’m serious. You’ve got a job. A place to live. If I can start over, you can too. I wholeheartedly believe that.” “Glad you haven’t lost your faith in me.” “You’re damn right.” “About the only one who hasn’t,” I mumble. “That’s not true.” Tyler chats about the weather, and I’m happy for the subject change. “Ya hungry?” he asks. “Nah, I already ate. Grabbed a burger before my flight. Can’t remember eating something so good after choking down slop for the past five years.” “That’s too damn bad. Belinda—she owns the deli and is the one dating Gemma’s dad—made her famous shepherd's pie today.” “Oh yeah, I remember you mentioning her before. Does she make it often?” “All the time when the weather starts changing. It’s Southern comfort food at its finest.” “If you say so.” I laugh because his Southern accent is starting to come out more now that he’s been home. “But I could make room,” I tell him, patting my full stomach. Tyler catches me up with more details of the gym and how great it is being married to the woman he’s been in love with for eternity—Gemma. Their baby girl, Scarlett, was born two months ago, and Tyler’s already excited to have more kids. I smile, noticing how truly happy he is. Seeing him like this gives me an inkling of hope that maybe one day I’ll have the same. “I was thinking I could pick you up tomorrow mornin’ for a tour of the gym. Is six too early?” My eyes go wide. “That’s prison time.” He chuckles. “Or military hours.” Tyler served in the Army for a term after he graduated high school. I think it’s why he’s so disciplined. Or that could be because he basically raised his sister when he was a kid himself. Something I can relate to as well. “I’m just kiddin’. Six is perfectly fine. Not like I have anything going on. I think my schedule is pretty clear from now until eternity.” “Great. That’s what a boss likes to hear. Oh, did I mention that you’ll be staying at my sister’s place?” My eyes go wide because as long as I’ve known Tyler, he’s been overly protective of her. It’s why I’ve always given him s**t about it when we’d write back and forth. “At Everleigh’s?” “Yes. And don’t get any ideas. She’s still off-limits. It’s for your sake, not hers.” yourhersIt makes me snort. “Should I be scared or worried that I’ll be living with your sister?” “When it comes to Everleigh, both. She can be a terror. I really did search for other options, but since it’s such a small town, rentals are few and far between. When something became available, they were taken by the time I called. It’s like Hunger Games for property in Lawton Ridge. Maybe rentals should be my next business venture?” both“I guess it could be profitable, not sure. And I don’t care where I live. At this point, I’d sleep on the street if I had to.” Tyler shakes his head. “I’d never let that happen. I’d give you my couch first. Might struggle to sleep through a baby crying, but earplugs are a godsend,” he muses as if he’s tried them a time or two. “Thanks. Appreciate that, man. Honestly, anything’s better than a jail cell.” “You’re right about that. I remember the first night I was home and how it felt to sleep in my bed. It took a while for me to finally relax, but eventually, I slept like I hadn’t since before I was behind bars.” He lifts his brow at me. “I was serious about Everleigh, though. No touching. No flirting. And, under no circumstances whatsoever, absolutely no hooking up. It’ll only complicate your living situation, trust me.” “You sound like you’re chaperoning a high school prom with that stern dad voice.” He chuckles. “It’s important that you get your life back together. Everleigh’s a distraction and doesn’t respect personal boundaries. Believe me when I say she can be a bit much.” “A bit?” “A lot,” he corrects. “I lived with her when I was getting back on my feet, and she’s very, very particular about things. Overly flirty with anyone who has a p***s… Oh wait, never mind, that’s not true. She’s flirty with everyone regardless if it’s appropriate or not. I think she has the entire male population wrapped around her finger. It’s one of her many flaws.” A loteveryoneNow, I’m laughing. “She sounds friendly. Some would call that a personality trait.” “It’s not. Everyone basically falls in love with her because of it. It’s made my life as her older brother hard as hell.” “So she finds trouble, or does trouble find her?” “She’s her own worst enemy. And needs to stay single for a little while herself. It’s actually best for you both.” I hold up my hands. “Okay. Understood, boss!” After he takes the exit off the highway, we turn onto a narrow two-lane road with a skinny shoulder. Trees surround us for twenty more minutes until it eventually opens up to reveal a small town that looks like it dropped straight out of a movie. Buildings with small shops line the street. There’s a deli, supermarket, and a bank. As we pass some people on the sidewalk, they wave at Tyler. “So, I take it this is an ‘everybody knows everybody’ type of place?” I glance over at him. “Oh yeah. Don’t worry. They’re gonna try to get to know you too. As soon as it gets around that there’s a new guy in town, they’re gonna be on you like white on rice. The old women at the grocery store are going to hound you with questions like you’re on the stand.” “So, watch what I say around them.” It’s not a question but more of a statement. “Yeah, they tend to have a way of gettin’ information outta you like ya wouldn’t believe, but only tell them what you’re comfortable with. My close friends have been told about you and are aware of your past, but don’t worry, none of them will judge you. Noah did time too and started fresh once he returned. Everleigh has called it the ex-con club.” He chuckles. “Yeah, I remember Noah and hearing about him being locked up too. And thanks for the heads-up. Though I’m sure if people really wanted to find out, all they’d have to do is a Google search.” I shrug but remain hopeful. It’d be nice to keep my past where it belongs and not be forced to talk about it. Once we get to Lawton Ridge, Tyler slows in front of a small shop with an ungodly amount of harvest decorations out front. Several bales of hay are stacked with pumpkins in all different sizes. A giant sign out front encourages people to stop and take photos with the hashtag EVER AFTER. “That’s the place Everleigh owns,” he proudly says. “Looks nice. My sister would love it.” “Yeah, I bet she would. Everleigh’s killing it these days and even has plans to expand. Don’t be surprised if she tries to hire you.” This makes me chuckle as we turn down another street. “Does she always decorate like that?” “Oh yeah. Just wait until Christmas throws up all over her shop. She’s always loved the holidays.” Soon, he’s pulling into a driveway and turns off the engine. My eyes widen. “This is Everleigh’s place?” We’re parked in front of a very nice side-by-side condo on a street with perfectly manicured lawns that screams small-town Alabama. He nods. “Yes, sir. This is it.” I follow him to the door and notice her porch is just as decorated as her shop. Tyler knocks and turns to me while we wait for her to answer. “Yesterday was her birthday.” “Yeah? Maybe she’s not home yet?” “She’s here.” Tyler checks the time and grows impatient. Punctuality should be his middle name. Another few moments pass, and he eventually puts his spare key in the door, then unlocks it. When he steps in and notices how trashed the place is, annoyance rolls off him. “What the hell?” Tyler asks, kicking a beer can before seeing the empty tequila bottle on the counter. “What the actual f**k?” His voice raises an octave when he finally sees the bare ass on the couch. “Everleigh!” Tyler yells. The naked guy doesn’t move, and I halfway wonder if he’s still breathing. Eventually, he rolls over with a grunt, reaching for the blanket that’s on the back. “Everleigh!” Tyler repeats, beating on the wall, and I assume her room is on the other side. A few moments later, the door swings open, and she saunters out with messy brown hair in a top knot. She still has on her makeup from last night, and her mascara has slightly run. It takes everything I have not to smirk at her. If being a hot mess was a person, she’d be it. “Can I help you?” she finally says, placing a hand on her hip. “Because you’re screamin’ my name like you’re payin’ my rent. And I don’t even need to mention that judgy-ass look on your face.” His nostrils flare, and she releases an amused laugh. The sound is warm and contagious, something I’d like to hear again. “So, you must be the famous Archer I’ve been hearing my brother talk about so much.” She holds out her hand, and I give her a shake, but her fingers linger a few seconds longer. “Yeah,” I say, meeting her crystal blue eyes. There’s a flicker behind them, and I notice her brow slightly ticks up. Electricity radiates from her in ways I can’t explain. At that very moment, I see exactly what Tyler was talking about when he said she’s flirty. Doesn’t help one bit that she’s fine as hell too. “Nice to meet you, roomie.” A grin sweeps across her gorgeous face. “Everleigh!” Tyler snaps. “You knew we were coming today. What the hell!” He holds out his hand and points at the man on the couch. “Why are you yelling? No one else seems to have a problem with anything that’s going on here other than you.” She looks at me, almost urging me with her gaze to agree, but I’m staying neutral in this argument. Why are you yellingThe last thing I want to do is piss off my best friend or my new roommate. I don’t have a dog in this sibling fight. As soon as the thought hits my brain, a cute fluffy white dog comes prancing out of Everleigh’s room. Immediately, the little furball runs over to me, the tags on her collar dangling. “Oh, meet Sassy. She’s every bit of her namesake,” Everleigh admits as she sashays to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water from the fridge. “What breed is she?” I ask to keep the conversation flowing that doesn’t involve more shouting. “An American Eskimo.” I bend down and pet Sassy’s head. “Hey there. Are you a good girl?” “I can be…when I want. But usually, I’m really, really bad,” Everleigh answers, and Tyler whips his head toward her. want.really, really“Stop it right now,” he demands. “Stop what?” She winks and plays dumb, chugging her water. I’d be lying if I didn’t think it was sexy as hell, but Tyler’s right about not crossing any lines. Everleigh’s off-limits, and it needs to stay that way, even if she might be my greatest temptation. Seconds later, the naked dude pushes himself up on the couch. “Yo.” He gives Tyler a head nod before walking to the bathroom and has zero f***s that his d**k was out. Everleigh shrugs, then grinds some coffee beans. She’s unfazed while Tyler is ready to explode. I look back and forth between them, noticing their dynamic and thinking how strange of a first impression this has been. I don’t know if living with her is the best or worst idea Tyler has ever had. I guess only time will tell.
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