32 - Race Time

1127 Words

Savannah     After changing into a pair of red shorts and a white tank top, I put on my socks and tennis shoes, then we all headed outside.  When we got to the back of the cabin, I glanced over at Zoey and asked, “Do you wanna race?”     “Absolutely!” she exclaimed with an ear to ear grin on her face.     Jameson chuckled at us, then he cheerfully mumbled, “Ladies, get in position and wait for me to say, ‘go’.”     We both got in position to take off in a sprint, then we waited for Jameson to countdown from three.  The second I heard him say, “Go,” I took off as fast as I could toward the weeping willow tree.     I knew there was no way I would be able to outrun Zoey.  She had the legs of an athlete.  Not to mention, she was a werecat with enhanced speed and stealth.  That being said,

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