42 - Elizabeth

1016 Words

Elizabeth     I hadn’t spent much time with Savannah, and the few times I had been around her, she was glued to Jameson’s side.  Seeing how easy it was for Zoey to befriend her, I figured there must be something special about the girl.       It wasn’t often Zoey opened up to somebody new.  Hell, she barely opened up to us, and we’re her cousins.     I’d heard all about Savannah’s recent fights with other she-wolves, and rumor had it that she was one hell of a fighter for a human.  When I heard Sydney was helping Jameson with Savannah’s training, I was quick to jump on board, wanting to see for myself if the rumors were true.     Much to my surprise, Savannah wowed me with her fighting skills, and I could tell Sydney and Sierra were just as wowed.  Savannah didn’t back down from any of

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