37 - The Special Cave

1151 Words

Jameson     Our pack was on good terms with the Pine Tree Pack, so I knew we wouldn’t have any problems after crossing the border.  I ran at a steady pace with Savannah on my back and Zoey on heels, leading us to one of the few places that made me happy and sad at the same time.     In that cave is where my Uncle James ended the life of my biological father.  I knew the reason for it, and I held no hard feelings toward my uncle, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t make me feel sad to think about it.     My mum was still pregnant with me when it happened, so I never got the chance to meet him, and she refused to tell me any more than I needed to know.  My grandfather James is the one who filled me in on most of what actually happened, and a part of me is glad to have never met the guy.

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