6 - Sydney

1192 Words
Jameson     After we finished eating the scrumptious dinner my mum brought over, I couldn’t resist the urge to wrap my arm around Savannah’s shoulders and pull her against my side.  I thought for sure, she would pull away, but she didn’t.       Instead, Savannah snuggled against me and allowed her body to relax.  I was still worried about her not accepting me as her mate, but this at least gave me a little hope for our future.     Neither of us said a word for several minutes until Savannah curiously asked, “What is it like to be a werewolf?”     I chuckled at her question before responding, “I love being werewolf.  We have the ability to heal ourselves if the injury isn’t too serious.  We are significantly stronger than humans, and we have an enhanced sense of smell and hearing.”     “That’s so cool,” she whispered followed by a yawn.  A few seconds later, Savannah mumbled, “I need to go home and get my stuff.  Not that I have much, but there’s something there that’s of the utmost importance to me.”     “As soon as you’re feeling better, I’ll drive you home to get your belongings,” I assured my tired mate, then I sweetly suggested, “You should get some more sleep.  That’s when your body does the most healing.”     “Okay,” she whispered before laying down with her head on my lap.     My smile immediately widened, as I trailed my fingers along her back and murmured, “Sweet dreams, my love.”     Within a few minutes, Savannah was fast asleep, but I made no attempt to move.  It was nice to have her so close, and I wanted to keep enjoying the moment.     After close to twenty minutes, I cautiously repositioned Savannah, so her head was comfortably resting on a pillow, then I got comfortable beside her.  With my hand resting on top of hers, I was able to quickly join her in a state of peaceful sleep.     The first part of the night went by without incident.  However, during the early morning hours, I was awakened by the sound of my mate whimpering.       When I reached over to caress her cheek, there was no mistaking the moisture, and I knew she had been crying for at least a few minutes.  Right away, I pulled her frail body against mine and soothingly whispered, “It’s okay, Savannah.  You’re safe now.”     At the sound of my voice, Savannah’s eyelids fluttered open to reveal just how haunted she was.  There was so much pain and heartache, it made tears sting behind my own eyelids.     Not wanting to make her feel any worse, I closed my eyes and snuggled her, hoping to provide the warmth and love that she needed most.  It didn’t take long for Savannah to relax again, then she drifted back asleep.     By the time she awakened again, I was already up and had coffee brewing.  To my surprise, Savannah was able to climb out of the bed without my help, and that was a great sight to see.     With a small smile playing on her lips, she walked over to me and shyly greeted, “Good morning, Jameson.  Thanks for helping me.”     As I tucked Savannah’s hair behind her ear, I happily replied, “I am happy to help you anytime!”     “Good, because I need your help with getting my stuff.  My father isn’t going to make this easy on me, and I expect him to freak out the second he sees me,” she nervously admitted.     I didn’t waste any time assuring her, “I won’t leave you side if I can help it.  You have my word.”     “I hope you can hold your own against him, because I clearly can’t,” she grumbled with defeat obvious in her voice.     “You have me to do that for you!  I’m not scared of any human,” I confidently remarked while showing off my biceps.     Savannah giggled at me, and I swear… Her cute giggle was music to my ears.  After she stopped giggling, Savannah timidly mumbled, “I hope the rest of the werewolves around here are as nice as you.”     “Don’t you worry about that!  We are all one big family here!” I replied with understanding.     After enjoying a cup of coffee, I ran a hot bath for Savannah.  Since her abdomen was still hurting, I offered to help her into the bath, but Savannah insisted she could handle it on her own.     Not wanting to impose, I stayed out of the bathroom and let Savannah bathe herself.  Meanwhile, I opened up my mind link with my younger sister, Sydney and asked if she would be willing to part ways with a few of her outfits.     She was eager to help out, and I was happy about that.  Sydney was the smallest of my sisters, so her clothes would fit my tiny mate better than the others.  Plus, I wanted Sydney to meet Savannah.     Not long before Savannah got out of the bath, Sydney arrived with a trash bag full of clothes.  Upon seeing the surprised expression plastered to my face, she cheekily remarked, “I’ve outgrown most of this stuff, so these should be perfect.”     “Thanks, Sydney.  I appreciate this more than you can possibly imagine,” I gushed with sincerity.     “You’re welcome, bro!  Now, where is this elusive mate of yours.  I can’t wait to meet her,” she eagerly replied with excitement swirling in her sea foam green eyes.     It was only another minute or so, then Savannah emerged from the bathroom with a towel snugly wrapped around her body.  As soon as her eyes landed on Sydney, she warily asked, “Who is she?”     To prevent a misunderstanding, I quickly answered, “Savannah, this is my sister, Sydney.  Sis, this is my mate, Savannah.”     “It’s so nice to meet you,” Sydney cheerfully greeted with a hug.     Savannah awkwardly returned the hug, then she glanced at me and asked, “Do you have a shirt I can wear?”     “No need!  I brought a bag full of pretty clothes for you,” Sydney chirped with enthusiasm.     “Great!  Thank you!” Savannah appreciatively mumbled before digging through the bag.       Less than a minute later, Savannah had a pair of black leggings and a long-sleeved purple shirt in her hands.  With the cutest smile on her face, she walked back to the bathroom and closed the door.       When she returned, Savannah was dressed and looking fantastic.  She wasn’t showing any skin, but that didn’t take away from her natural beauty.  Not to mention, for the first time since I found her, Savannah actually appeared to be happy.
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