Dmitri stands in front of Natasha. He's like facing an enemy. Victor was confused by the attitude of his masters. Usually, Dmitri will always stick to Natasha, who is very possessive, but this time Dmitri is very calm and keeps his distance. "Sir, settle your problems right now. I'll be out in a minute." Victor untied Dmitri's hand on his arm. "Victor, don't go! Stay here!" Dmitri still holds off Victor's departure. "Sir, you must face your problem like a gentleman, do not avoid trouble, settle your matters. So that your life can be calm," said Victor. "Don't talk too much, Dimi. Let's finish our business quickly." "Nasha." Natasha leaked sharply to the two people who were there. She stepped forward, her mouth opening to let out a breeze. Victor's body was pushed out through the doo