Book 1: The Challenge

1661 Words
Raven reached the auditorium and, opening the door, went inside. The place was already full. It surprised her that nearly the whole college was there to go through the interview. She found an empty seat and sat down, watching some distinguished-looking men interact with the head of their college placement division. They all looked professional in their formal attire! “We will conduct a written impromptu test right now. Please fill in your details carefully in the form we will distribute. There will be a question paper too provided to you with five real-life situations and you need to explain how you would deal with each one of them. You have 30 minutes to answer and please adhere to the word limit specified. We would select only 10 of you for the interview. Those who are still interested may remain seated while the others may leave now before the door closes,” announced a volunteer. Raven saw that nearly half the students rushed to leave, scared at the mention of a test. Afterward, the remaining students were handed the form and a question paper. “Your time starts now,” said the man. The professors roamed around the auditorium, invigilating the examination. Afterward, each student had to submit their stuff and leave the place. “Go back to class. If you’re shortlisted, we will summon you.” Raven handed hers and walked back to her class. She was late for her class and had a lot of explaining to do. Classes went on as usual. Five minutes after her class, an attendant came in to summon her and another guy, Tom Harvey, to the auditorium. “Did you attempt the test?” asked Tom. “Yes,” said Raven. They walked towards the placement department where the interviews were to be held. They waited in the reception area where eight other students had already gathered, everyone at their wit’s end. This was worse than their term-end examinations! After ten minutes, the interviews started and one by one; the students went in and emerged with pale faces. Raven found out that they would induct only three interns from among the ten. Eventually, all the candidates left after their interview, yet her name hadn’t been called. Raven chewed her lips. Did they forget her? She sat nervously when at last they announced her name and she got up to face it. Knocking at the door, she waited for permission to enter. “Come in,” said a booming male voice, making goosebumps appear on her arms. She opened the door and went inside to see two men sitting wearing expensive business suits. Suits? Raven’s eyes widened, and she focused her eyes on the familiar-looking man sitting in front of her. Immediately, she froze with dread as her eyes met his piercing green ones. She instantly knew who he was! He was the same man she had kissed at the cafe! Her eyes widened with disbelief. What was he doing here? Her first reaction was to flee, but the other man looked up and acknowledged her presence. “Raven Porterfield?” asked the other man. “Yes, sir. Good morning, sir,” she said, focussing her attention on the other man who nodded in acknowledgment. Then she looked at the blue-suited stranger, although her hands had already turned cold and clammy with nervousness. “Good morning, sir,” she stammered nervously, but he simply stared at her with no reaction, without batting an eyelid. Raven could feel his furious gaze upon her all the time. She had no idea what was going on inside his mind and just wished that she could simply disappear somewhere. There was no way that she would get this internship. “Have a seat, Ms. Porterfield,” said the other man. “Shall we start, sir?” asked the man to the blue-suited stranger and Raven’s eyes widened with surprise. The blue-suited man was his boss? God! What had she gotten herself into? They nodded at one another and Raven sat on the edge of her seat, chewing her bottom lip nervously, looking down at her hands, and up at the other man. “I’m Anthony Baker, Production Manager at JC Group Inc., London Branch and this is Ralph Van Halen, Head of Production, Worldwide, Partner and Founder of JC Group Inc.,” introduced Mr. Baker. Raven nodded nervously, not having the courage to look at the big boss. Realization hit her! So, he was the one and only Ralph Van Halen! She had seen his name in fashion magazines but never knew what he looked like in real life. Strangely, he hadn’t spoken a word so far, but quietly stared at her, observing her. It made her very nervous. Why did he have to conduct the interview? Didn’t he have any other important work? “Ms. Porterfield, your answers are exceptionally good. Are you sure that they aren’t too theoretical?” asked Mr. Baker. “Thank you, sir. On paper, they might look too theoretical, but in real life, all of us adopt those theories as per our circumstances and then act. The more they face such varied situations, the more efficient they become in dealing with them. I’m sure that I will too if given the opportunity,” she said with conviction and confidence. “How would you juggle between a demanding job and studies?” asked Mr. Baker. “I will opt for the weekend and online classes, sir,” she told him, looking at him with confidence. “That’s good to hear. Are you willing to travel? We have operations worldwide. If your job requires traveling, would you be able to travel, Ms. Porterfield?” asked Mr. Baker. “Yes sir, I can travel,” she told him. “We are looking for enterprising young trainees who would be inducted into the company after a year of training. So, you cannot leave the job for the next five years. Are you willing to sign a contract of five years with us?” asked Mr. Baker. “Yes sir,” said Raven. She would gain experience and expertise from it, so why not? “Fine, then. Over to you, sir,” said Mr. Baker. Raven’s eyes widened as she realized that now she would have to face him. “Thank you, Anthony,” said Ralph Van Halen in his deep, rich voice, which made the hair at the back of her neck rise. He now focused his green eyes upon her, minutely observing her. She felt like a fly under a microscope. To her horror, Anthony Baker excused himself and left the room, leaving her alone with the person she dreaded facing the most. “So, Ms. Porterfield, how important is this job for you?” he asked her, watching her reactions, her red cheeks, her flushed face, and her hot mouth. He couldn’t believe that he actually had kissed her, an unknown stranger, so passionately. His lips still tingled from that kiss. He could still feel her taste upon him. Raven colored more, seeing where his gaze was fixed upon her lips. “I need it to pay for my education, sir,” she said nervously. She just wanted to vanish from the room, but that was impossible. “How soon can you join us?” he asked her, to her surprise. “Whenever you want me, sir,” she informed him, trying to peek at him discreetly, but to her dismay, he was still staring at her. “Now?” asked Ralph Van Halen. Raven stared at him with her jaws dropped to the floor. “N-now?” she stammered out. She had classes now. “I want you now,” he stated, still watching her. Raven colored more, not sure what he was implying. “Give me a little time to excuse myself from the rest of my classes and reschedule them for the weekend, sir,” she said bravely, not wanting to be daunted by him. “How long will that take?” he asked, getting up from his chair. He seemed taller and more muscular within the closed confines of the room, filling up the entire place. Raven too got up with a confused expression on her face. Was he seriously thinking of making her join his company right now? What was the urgency? Were all the other interns joining just now? “Ms. Porterfield, I asked you a question,” he barked as he walked around the table. Raven focused on him now, coming out of her trance. “Yes sir, give me ten minutes, please. I’ll just have a word with the Head of my department,” she informed him, looking up to find him still studying her. “Sure. Anthony will bring you to the office. See you in an hour,” said Ralph Van Halen. Was he leaving? Raven felt a little better at the thought. She looked up, only to see him staring at her lips again. Raven colored more. “Yes, sir,” she mumbled incoherently, her mind already dazed by everything that had happened so suddenly. He nodded at her and strode out of the room. Raven released the breath that she was holding, composed herself, and went to see the Head of her department. Afterwards, she walked over to the Placement Department to find Anthony Baker waiting for her. “Shall we go?” asked Anthony, looking more relaxed than at the interview. “Yes sir,” she said. Anthony smiled and led her towards his car, and soon they were on their way to his office. “Sir, would I have to join work right now?” she asked hesitantly. “That’s what it looks like,” said Anthony Baker, with a small, twisted smile. “What about the other interns, sir?” “You’re the only one sir has selected,” he informed her and her jaws dropped to the seat.
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