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He is the last man she's expecting to see. It's been over a year since she last saw him. Over a year since she stopped seeing him.  She didn't tell Trevor the reason why. She just broke up with him. And she knows that he knows the reason already. She didn't have the courage to tell him before. How is she supposed to tell him she got raped? She knew it would break his heart. And she knew it did especially when she chose not to tell him and he knew about it from other people. It was unfair.  She froze on the spot as Trevor hugged her tighter. She got to her senses and pushed Trevor away. Confusion crossed his face as he looked at her. Celeste looked at Matt who was also looking at Trevor. It was then that Trevor noticed Matt's presence.  Trevor's brows furrowed as he looked at Matt and then to her. And whatever conclusion he drew on his mind, it showed on his face as he said, "Is he..." He didn't finish what he was going to say but she already knew what's on his mind.  She has never expected this moment to happen. She has never prepared herself for it. She has never intended to leave Trevor in the first place. She couldn't form a response.  "Matt Adams," Matt said and extended his hand to Trevor. He stepped in front of her as if shielding her. "I am Celeste's friend."  Trevor stared at Matt's hand for a moment before he took it. "I am Trevor Jackson. I was Celeste's boyfriend."  They stared at each other and none of them were inclined to break it. She closed her eyes firmly. The air suddenly became tensed and she decided to step in between them.  "It's nice to see you here, Trevor. Have a good night." She looked at Matt and nodded slightly at him before she said, "Thank you for walking me here. Take care on your way home."  She didn't bother to wait for their responses and turned her back. Just when she was about to open the gate, Trevor decided to open his mouth.  "So, that's it?" he said. She halted.  "Hey man, Celeste's tired for today. Whatever you want to talk about, you two can talk about it tomorrow. Let her rest," Matt intervened but Trevor didn't listen.  "After you broke up with me without telling me the reason, that's all I get? 'Have a good night?'"  She faced him. She knew where it was going. Trevor knows her past. Matt doesn't. And Matt has been very good to her. He's been very kind to her. She doesn't want him to know about her past, no matter what. But deep inside her, she knows it's unfair but she just can't bring herself to tell Matt. She heard Trevor scoff. "So he doesn't know, huh." Trevor looked at Matt and then back to her. "He doesn't know your past."  "Trevor, please." Her voice was pleading. She can't let Matt know. Not when things are going well between them. Not when she finally has given herself a chance to know to him.  "I said please to you before, Cel. But it didn't do anything to sway you--"  She gasped and covered her mouth when she suddenly found Trevor on the ground. He was wiping the side of his mouth with the back of his hand. Matt had his fist clenched even after he punched Trevor. "One thing I can say about you is that you're an asshole who isn't over his ex, yet. And whatever her past maybe she doesn't need to tell me." Matt looked at her and her heart thundered. Does he know? Does he know my past? "What matters to me now is the present. And whatever it is, I know she will tell me--she will tell her friends soon enough. Why don't you scuttle off and have a good night?"  Trevor stood and was about to dash towards Matt's direction when she decided to step in between them. Trevor halted and gave Matt a glare. "You're paying for this, asshole," Trevor said with enough bite on his words.  But Matt doesn't seem fazed by it as he said, "Surprise me."  Trevor stepped close and she has to push him away. "Trevor, please. I am doing well now. I've ... I've started healing. And I hope you will, too. Please don't bother me again. I...I've moved on."  When she broke up with Trevor, she wasn't on the right mind. It was her way of dealing with what happened to her. Later on, she realized it was selfish. She admitted to herself that disconnecting from the people was something that she did out of misery, embarrassment, despair. And it was unfair. She has regretted it. Even as her therapist told her it was totally normal for her to act like that, she couldn't help but feel bad. All the people she considered friends turned their backs on her. She couldn't blame them. She pushed them away in the first place. Including Trevor.   Trevor just shook his head. He didn't say another word as he turned and walked away. When she couldn't see him anymore, Matt turned to look at her.  "Are you alright?" he asked. She just looked at him, wondering how could he be so calm about it.  So she faced him fully. "About what he said--"  Matt cut her off by shaking his head slowly. She felt him held her hand and squeeze it. "You are not obliged to tell me about your past. I don't know what it is and I can tell it's hard for you to say it. But I know," he squeezed her hand again, "I know you'll get the courage to talk about it. I know you'll get the courage to face it, defeat it, and learn to live with it. I know because I've seen you slowly coming out of your zone. And slow is fine. Slow is great. It's still progress. And..." he trailed, tilting his head to the side, "regardless of what he said, I won't care much about your past, whatever it is. We all have pasts we so badly want to change. The past that we wished never happened. So, I understand if it's hard for you to talk about it."  Her lips quivered at what he said but she stopped herself from crying. When she didn't say a word, he sighed and squeezed her hand one last time. "Get some rest. Good night, Cel."  It was an effort not to shed a tear at what he said. He always knows what to say. He knows when she needs saving. He knows she doesn't want her past to be known and so he stopped Trevor from spilling it away. He knows she isn't ready to tell him yet. He knows she's scared earlier when Trevor talked about her past. Matt is someone that's too good to be true. And she is honestly scared of it.  He was about to turn away when he caught the sleeve of his shirt. He halted and looked at her curiously. She swallowed hard and said, "Thank you," she stepped closer, "for saving me yet again."  Before Matt could even say a response, she leaned to kiss him on the cheek. She felt him went utterly still even as she leaned back and stared at him. He was staring at her too. Matt did nothing but save her. All the time. And she is grateful for that.  "Good night, Matt," she said, almost a whisper before she went inside her apartment.  * * * He never expected what he saw. He knew the man. How could he forget? He was someone who did it with him over a year ago. And fate seems to like to play games with them as he meets him again this time. He couldn't help but feel curious as to what he's planning to do. Why did he show up to Celeste's now?  He has to find out. He has to find out why.  He looked at his hand where Cel held him. A small smile curved his lips.  "Good night, Cel," he whispered to the wind. * * *
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