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She doesn't know what to say the next morning when she found Matt in the living room. But that wasn't what surprised her most. Her parents were there too!  "Celeste!" Her parents ran towards her. Her mom was crying as she held her hand. Her eyes were scanning to check her. Worry etched across their faces and they hugged her when they realized she's fine. "Gail called us last night telling us what happened." She looked at Gail and the latter smiled at her. "I checked your phone while you were sleeping and called them last night." Then she looked at Matt who was quietly sitting on one of the sofas, looking at her freshly finished painting. "And Matt?" Matt turned to her when he heard his name. "I came here by myself. I figured I should check on you." She sighed. She could see her parents' suspicious look on Matt. Like her, they're quite skeptical about who she befriends. Especially if it's a guy. She couldn't blame them. But she decided to introduce Matt to them. Matt saved her last night, after all.  "Ma, Pa, this is Matt. He's from one—several of my classes. He saved me last night. If it weren't for him, it might have gone worse." She still couldn't shake off the thought of what could have happened if Matt wasn't there. Her parents looked at Matt before her mom walked close and held Matt's hand with both her hands. "Thank you, Hijo. Thank you for what you did." Matt let out a smile. "Anyone could have done the same, Ma'am." Her dad went close to Matt and clasped his shoulder. "What's your name, son?" "Matt, sir. Matt Adams." "Adams? Is your Dad perhaps the famous Theon Adams?" "Yes, sir, you're right." "Theon Adams?" Like her, her mom doesn't have any idea who Theon Adams was. Perhaps Gail, too. "The famous Attorney," her dad answered. And by the mention of Attorney, she realized who her dad was talking about. While they were looking for an attorney for her case, they asked Theon Adams to do it but the attorney declined as he had other important cases to deal with. "What a small world," she mumbled. Gail and Matt looked at her questioningly while her parents knew exactly what she was talking about but they remained quiet about it. It was her mom who broke the silence. "How about we eat dinner together?" "Dinner?" She looked at the window and indeed, it was starting to get dark outside. "It's already 6 in the evening, darling. You slept like a log." Her mother smiled at her and she looked at Gail. "I had classes today!" "Don't worry. I already told the professors what happened and they understood. They send their regards and they hoped you'll get better soon. And as for your job..." "I already told Miss Clarent about it. Neil is under Police Custody and the school is taking action. They might be expelling Neil," Gail answered. "Wait a moment. A job?" Her mother held up a hand and looked at her as if she couldn't believe what she just heard. "You have a job, Celeste?" She mentally swore. She forgot to tell her parents about it. She sighed and looked at her mom. "Yes, Ma. I just started." She  looked at her father before she said, "And I like it." She knows her father would never oppose it if she says she likes it. "And you met this stalker guy from that job?" her mom asked. "No, Ma. I met him in class, apparently. I didn't know. He looked familiar when I saw him at work and I didn't realize he was from chemistry class." They nodded and didn't ask further questions, which she was thankful for. She could still remember the hatred in Neil's voice as he pressed the knife close to her neck. She touched her neck and she found a small plaster. And she couldn't help but bristle as he remembers how close Neil was to slit her throat. And she didn't think she looked like how Neil described. She isn't arrogant. She's just scared. She isn't looking down on anyone at all and it makes her sad that Neil saw her that way. It was a pity that she didn't realize Neil just wanted to be friends. She noticed the occasional glances he throws at her. She should have talked to him. Of all people, she should be the one who understood the feeling of needing a friend. She should have approached him. But it was too late. "Whatever he said that night, don't let it get to you," Matt whispered as they were sitting in her family's car. Her parents and Gail were busy talking about something and she was just quietly looking out the window. She looked at Matt and he was smiling at whatever her father said. "You're a good person, Cel. Maybe quite awkward. I don't know your whole story but I know there's a reason for your actions. I am not forcing you to spill it out. But whatever it is, I hope you'll remember that there is so much to look forward to in the future for you to be living in your past."  And maybe it was the fact that he saved her and the fact that she believed in him that night he saved her that those words from him made her believe that it will all be fine. That there is indeed something to look forward to in the future. She may not know it yet but that's how life works. It's full of surprises. And she never realized she could be optimistic if she chooses to. And it was because of what Matt said.  She didn't respond but she knew Matt knew she's grateful. And she knew her parents were grateful too and they're happy that she made new friends.  Dinner was merry that night as they ate at a restaurant recommended by Matt. Her parents were clearly enjoying Gail and Matt's company and she liked it too. Whatever fear she felt last night felt like it happened ages ago. Her mother and father went home that night since her dad has to work early the next day. Matt went home too and she mumbled another thank you to him. Gail slept in her room which was a surprise for her.  "I know you have bad dreams and with what happened last night, I ... I just want to be here for you because I wasn't able to do that last night," she said as she sat on her bed. Gail raised her fist and went on, "I can fight bad dreams, you know."  She raised her brow. "You can?"  "Yep. You're only allowed to have happy dreams while I'm here. Got that?"  She couldn't help but laugh at that. And true to her words,  she didn't have a single dream that night.  The next day, Gail went with her to the police station. She was surprised to see Matt there. The Police had asked for her testimony and she told them all about what happened. She didn't see Neil in the precinct but they assured her he'll be given the right punishment. She didn't want to see him either.  The news about Neil getting expelled spread like wildfire. But the identity of the victim was not disclosed. But she knows it will only be a matter of time before everyone knows about it. And she'll be prepared.  But Clarent knew. That's why when she came to work the next day, Clarent immediately dragged her to her office.  "How are you?" Clarent started as she sat at her table. Worry etched across her face. She figured Gail told their manager secretly. She took a seat and gave her manager a small smile.  "I'm fine now, Miss Clarent."  "Gail told me everything--" she heaved a sigh as she massaged her head. "I'm sorry, Celeste. I should have known."  She shook her head. "It's not your fault, Miss Clarent. You couldn't have known--"  "No. He applied a day after you did. And every time he goes to the smoking area after the end of your shifts, apparently, he didn't go there to smoke. There's a door there. He probably used it to get out. One of my staff found it strange for him to use that door to go home."  Now it all made sense to her. That night when she saw him outside her workplace, taking pictures of her. That time, she thought Neil was at the smoking area. It all made sense.  "The others don't know about it. They didn't know why Neil quit the job but it will only be a matter of time. When that happens I will tell them to--" "It's okay, Miss Clarent. It's fine. I'll be fine. If they'll know about it, let them." She gave her manager a smile. She could see the worry etched across her face. And she realized how lucky she was to be surrounded by people who care for her. Life wasn't that cruel to her after all.  Miss Clarent stood from her chair and sat opposite her and reached for her hand. Celeste felt her squeeze is gently before she said, "I'm glad you are safe."   She smiled at her manager as she said, "Me too."  * * * 
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