Good thing you know.

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Khloe "I'm not sure yet. If I don't have appointments anymore, then I'll surely go." I told Kate over the phone. I was in the office, crafting ideas and new designs when she called. She wanted me to come to Bali, Indonesia for a summer vacation. I really loved Bali. I had always wanted to go there. The place was really nice and cool. One would surely have a great time there. It would be so worth it to be there. But as of the moment, I couldn't decide yet. "Come on. It will be very fun. Besides, you need to have some time for yourself. You're stressing yourself too much with work. You need some pampering and relaxation." "I know, Kate. Bali is nice, like really nice. I've always wanted to go there. I can't decide right now. I'll tell you when I come up with a choice. I still have to see my schedule if I have any appointment." "Okay. But, please I want you to come with us." "I'll try." "Okay. Bye." "Bye." I sighed as the call ended. I had been very like super duper busy these days. Managing two companies was not that easy. I had to make sure I wouldn't disappoint Aiden by managing Smith Clothing well. They entrusted their business to me because they believed in me. They believed that I had the talent, skill and potential of an efficient fashion designer. I believed in myself too. Khloe Sophistique on the other hand was expanding because of our increasing demand. Many loved my designs and I couldn't be more proud. Mom also helped me by having her own collections of designs. She knew a lot after all. I was just second to her. She was actually my inspiration. I wanted to be like her too. I didn't know if I would come to Bali yet because I really had so many things in mind that need to be done. First was expansions of Khloe Sophistique. I want to build branches on other States as the main was in New York. Second was planning for Mom's birthday. Third was getting myself a boyfriend. That's bullsh*t. I was just kidding. The third reason was a lie. I didn't need a boyfriend. I was perfectly fine by myself. Oh, really? Yup, cross my heart, hope to die. I wouldn't know. Maybe, just maybe, I would come to Bali with them. I leaned my back on my reclining and chair and stared my messy working table. I looked at the time on my watch that said 3:16 in the afternoon. I realized I was hungry when I heard my stomach grumbled. I need a sandwich. I didn't know. Sandwich just sounded good at the moment. I got up from my seat and walked out of my office. I rode down to the canteen to treat myself with some food. I was really starving. My employees greeted me as I passed by them. I smiled and waved at them. "Good afternoon, Ma'am." Mrs. Clarkson greeted me. She had been working in my company as a cook in the canteen since it was built, which was already two years. I smiled sweetly at her. "Good day, Mrs. Clarkson. I want some ham and chicken sandwich." "Okay. I'll get it for you." In just a minute, she served me a plate of ham and chicken sandwich and a glass of iced tea. "There you go, Ma'am." "Just Khloe, please. Thank you so much, Mrs. Clarkson." "Just Rosie, please." I laughed. "Alright." "Enjoy your food, Khloe." I smiled one last time at her before finding a table to dine in. I settled myself at the corner and ate my sandwich. I was halfway through my sandwich when my phone went off. I really hated it when I got interrupted in the middle of enjoying my food. I put my sandwich back to the plate and answered the call. I didn't mind looking who it was calling me. "Hello?" I knew I sounded rude from my voice. "Hey, love." I heaved a frustrated sigh. Couldn't it get any better? Sarcasm noted. "What do you want, Sky?" "How about the date?" "What about it?" "Have you made a choice?" "I haven't because I won't go on a date with you, ever." "Come on, Khloe. It's just a date." "See? It's just a date. No big deal. Besides, I have no time for that because I am really busy." "It is always your reason. Let's give it a tr-" I hung up, ending the call. He was so annoying. Sky was an acquaintance. We met each other at a gala. It was a year ago. Evans Company, Inc. held galas every year. During every gala, there was an auction. Women were up for bidding. It happened that I was one of the women and Sky bid the highest for me. In exchange was a date with me. Sky Butler was a son of one of the famous millionaires in the city, Steve Butler and Briana Butler. They owned My Dad invited them every year at the gala. That made our families, friends and business partners. I had no choice, but to go on a date with Sky on that night. I did admit that he was a good-looking guy. Not to forget that he was also hot and sexy, but he was not my type. On our date, he brought me restaurant. At that very moment, I knew that he was not my ideal guy. He was nice, pulling out a chair for me, slicing the steak, and pouring wine in my glass. But then, I just didn't like him. After that night, he started to get so clingy that it was starting to get annoying for me. He called every now and then, asking about me and my day. He even visited me once in my office. He got under my nerves. He couldn't the point that I was not interested in him. I didn't like the way he moved and looked at the women. I just saw him as a friend. Just that. I wanted someone simple and composed. Composed in the sense that he didn't talk too much because I wanted someone opposite of me. I was a bubbly person. I wanted someone who could handle my personality. I didn't mind having a date on a local diner as long as I would be happy with him. I frowned at no one in particular. Why am I thinking of that? I don't need a boyfriend, remember? "Ugh. You're insane." I told my crazy self. Good thing you know. Nevertheless, I picked up my sandwich and continued eating. No more interruptions this time, please. *** "Yes, Mom. I'm almost there." I was driving home because Mom called me. She wanted to bake a cake or pastries. Dad wasn't home because he met up with his pals. Ace was busy so she called me. I also wanted to spend time with my Mom. I missed baking with her. "Okay. I can't wait. I'm so excited." "Me too." I arrived there ten minutes after Mom called me. Once I parked my car at the garage, I went directly to the porch and opened the front door. "Mom!" "Khloe Miller Evans, I'm in the kitchen!" I heard my mom's voice from the kitchen. The kitchen door was opened. When I got in there, Mom's back was facing me. She was preparing something on the counter. Very slowly, I tiptoed towards Mom and whispered in her ear. "Boo-" "Aaaahhhh!" I never saw it coming. Never knew she was mixing flour until it was thrown in my face. I stood there, unmoving and completely shocked. "Oh." The kitchen was so quiet until she burst out laughing. Karma was so fast.
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