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1754 Words

Khloe "Make sure to get the perfect shots." I told Chris. I asked him to take pictures of me in the sunset in the background. It was so beautiful. I couldn't let the moment pass without a remembrance of it. I walked near the water by the shore and posed as Chris snapped pictures of me. I made a fierce look and smiled at the camera. "Nice one, Khloe." He gave me a thumbs up. I smiled as I went to Chris to look at the pictures he had taken. "They're nice, aren't they?" I nodded and smiled gratefully at my cousin. "You're the best photographer. Thank you." He laughed. "Everything for Khloe. Come on. They're calling out for us. It's dinner time." We walked back to the rest of the family who were so busy preparing dinner. Dad and Ace were in charge of the barbeque. Mom and Kate were prep

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