Her Dream Speaks More.

1606 Words

Caleb I couldn't sleep. My eyes were wide open, staring at the ceiling above me. The room was very dark. My arms were crossed under my head. It was not that I didn't feel uncomfortable with where I was laying down. No, it wasn't that. It was because the woman sleeping on her bed, just a meter apart from me was always invading my thoughts. She wouldn't leave my mind at all. I couldn't stop thinking about Khloe. I wanted a sign, a clue, a confirmation that she wasn't that girl. I wanted to know badly if it was her or not. Earlier in the kitchen, when I said I missed her, it had another meaning. I wanted to see her reaction. She cried and I didn't know why. Was it because I cried too? She might not be that girl, I still missed her. So much. More than a year of waiting was too long already.

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