“It was a shock, Your Majesty,” said Darius, “when we arrived here to find no sign of you or Miss Brooke.” “We were not far away,” the King informed him, “but we had a passenger with us, a small boy had hurt his knee and it was necessary to take him home.” “His mother and all the people in the street were very grateful,” added Titania. “It was a very shabby and dingy street and the houses were all in a very bad state of repair.” “That goes for a good number of streets in the City,” muttered Darius. The King frowned. “Why did no one tell me they were so bad?” he demanded. “They must be repaired. Surely the Government is aware of this situation.” “I think it is just a question of money, Your Majesty,” replied Darius. The King looked at Titania. “I believe I have an answer to this pro