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FATE TWISTER 1 WAYNE GAMM The screams coming from the secluded, old stone farmhouse sounded inhuman, which was just as well, because the only red-blooded creatures that could hear them were four-legged, although they fully realised what was going on inside. Mrs. Gwynedd Gamm was having her first baby and her mother was helping her deliver it. The ewes in the field understood the pain Gwynedd was going through, even if her husband, Samuel Gamm and his drinking companions in the pub in the local village of Dremaelgwn did not. “Mam! Get this baby out of me right now! Arghhh!” “Try to relax, dear, and push… keep up the pressure…” “Maybe I should have gone to the hospital to have him… we knew he was going to be a big, arghhh, baby!” “Now, Gwynnie, we discussed that, didn’t we, love? It wa

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