Chapter Six-3

1561 Words

“He will undoubtedly live to enjoy a great many more bottles of wine!” the Earl said drily. “Now come along, we cannot waste time here when we should be seen in a different part of the house.” “I don’t know – how to thank you,” Penelope sighed. She looked at Major Coombe and asked, “Do I – look all right? Is my hair tidy?” “You look lovely!” he answered. There was a deep note in his voice, which Alisa thought revealed his feelings very clearly. “Walk slowly and look happy,” the Earl commanded. He opened the door as he spoke and Penelope went out first. She was holding Major Coombe by the hand and, as they walked down the passage ahead of Alisa and the Earl, they made no attempt to release each other. It was impossible for Alisa to speak, because she found that coming back from the

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