2001 Words

CHAPTER SIXThe yacht moved on until at six o’clock it anchored in a small bay that Orlina thought must be in Thessaly. As she was not certain, she decided that she would ask the Earl to show her where they were on a map. She went on deck and to her surprise she saw that the Earl was being taken by rowing boat across to the beach where he disembarked. With him was his valet, Wilkins, and she thought it was somewhat unkind of him to go off for a walk with his valet when he might have asked one of his guests and her in particular. She was longing to go ashore, but she guessed, as the Earl had gone alone, that he did not want anyone to follow him. She stayed on deck for a little while and then she realised as time was getting on that she must go below to have a bath and change for dinner.

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