Chapter Six-1

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Chapter SixThe Earl moved restlessly in his bed and after a moment he called out, “Imeldra!” There was only a little pause before Beryl came to his side. He looked at her in surprise and then as if remembering how before he went to sleep he had said ‘good night’ to his daughter, he muttered, “It must be later than I thought.” “It is nearly three o’clock,” Beryl replied in her soft voice. “What can I get you?” “I would like a drink,” he answered, “but I am sorry to have woken you.” “I was not asleep.” She put the candle down by his bed and went to the table where Danvers, before he had retired, had left a jug of lemonade packed with ice. Beryl poured the Earl a drink and carried it back to him. He raised himself on his elbow and took the glass from her. As he did so, as if she th

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