The dreadful creatures, almost three times as large as the Lion, snorted when they breathed. They walked on four paws, each of which had several rows of spiked bones growing out of it. Their tails whipped back and forth like angry cats. But they were no ordinary feline tails; these tails had scales and hissing cobra heads on the ends! "Kalidahs!" the Lion finally answered in response to Donny's question. "I've heard about them, but never actually seen one before." The Cowardly Lion started to swoon. Donny grabbed his paw. "Stay with us, Lion, we need you now." "OK, OK" the Lion huffed. He took short, rapid breaths to calm himself. "Kalidahs aren't found in nature. The Wicked Warlock of the West breeds them on his private farm deep in the forest." Donny and his friends took ext