The Warrior Princess Return -1

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The Warrior Princess Return Chapter One "Hyah! Hyah! Hyah!" sounds from various horsemen riding their horses while carrying swords, guns, and other killing weapons. "Get the cannon ready!" General orders his subordinates. Everyone is armored, and everyone is out to kill. Each person assigned to a cannon takes their place. "We are under attack! Tell the Emperor what is going on here! Leave!" exclaimed the General. "Yes Sir!" he exclaimed, bowing his head in front of his general and sprinting towards his emperor. The general's command was "Fire!" Each cannonball struck a different part of the Sao Empire. The Sao Empire's great gate is gradually being destroyed, and the enemy is entering. "Go ahead! Bomb it until it's destroyed!" yelled the enemy's general, his eyes brimming with rage. "Bang! Bang! Bang!" Bombings and explosions erupted one after the other in the Sao Empire. The Sao Empire's members took their positions one by one. They were shielded by their round shields, and the arrows were ready for the attack on their backs. Arrows flew into the air all at once, striking many people. A person was struck in the head, leg, and chest. Tao launched several cannons at the same time. Another section of the gate's top was destroyed, and the Sao men from there fell. The exchange of bombs and flying arrows from both sides could not be stopped. However, the people of the Sao Empire are clearly at a disadvantage. As he saw his impending victory, Tohashi's eyes were filled with both rage and joy. He could feel the victory against the allied Empire right now. The assigned Sao soldier, on the other hand, was currently facing his emperor. The Emperor is currently sitting on his throne, well aware of the chaos surrounding the opening of their massive gate. "Our emperor! We are under attack, and their banner says they are from the Tao Empire!" reports the soldier to his emperor. Hearing his soldier's report, the Emperor's eyes narrowed and his fist clenched tightly. After learning from whose Empire the violent attack on their peaceful location originated. "Tou!" exclaimed the Emperor sternly. He couldn't accept that they were going to destroy his empire. "How could they have betrayed me?! How could they have betrayed me!" In a growling, angry tone, the Emperor says. "They have no intention of bringing us all back to life during their invasion; they wish us all dead," he said with a determined look at his soldier. "Return to the battle and tell your general that we will fight to the death!" he commands sternly. "Yes, your Majesty!" he exclaimed as he exited the emperor's presence. The emperor's gaze was drawn to his other new general. "Make sure you have people to evacuate the women, youth, and elderly from here in the empire; we need to protect them, because they will be the only ones left," he told his general. "But, emperor, we must also keep you away from here, you and your wife and children; it is our duty to protect those we serve!" disobeyed his emperor's order. "You are incorrect, I, your emperor, serve the people. I protect you citizens. Your kingdoms. That is the emperor's duty. In this fight, this may be my last fight and that's it. It's the last thing I can do for each of my people. So take action! Follow my orders! I give you the heaviest responsibility! Protect the people I'm protecting! That is your fight to this battle!" Tears welled up and fell from the General's eyes. He immediately bowed to his emperor, one knee on the floor and also his fist. He now feels a great burden on his shoulders, and he cannot let down his beloved emperor. They were extremely fortunate to have such a courageous leader. "I will not fail you, my dear emperor! I will give my life for this battle! Thank you so much for your rule and trust!" he said to the emperor before leaving the room to complete his mission. While on the other hand, the battle between the two is still going on. Tao is too close to the Giant Gate of Sao. They are slowly penetrating the Sao Giant gate. There are many dead among Tao's men but more lifeless on Sao's side. On the other hand, the emperor is currently riding a horse. He took his wife and daughters to the underground exit. Sariya came crying to her husband after he dropped her youngest child. She touched her husband's face with teary eyes. "Saotaru, come back to me and to our family alive" she wished to her husband. Saotaru held his wife's hand and felt her caress on his cheek. Sautaru's eyes are lonely and sad, as if he is saying farewell to his wife. He dismounted and embraced his wife, kissing her on the lips with great emphasis. He kissed his wife again as he looked into her eyes. "I love you," he said as he embraced his two daughters. Saote, as well as Saohe. He holds his daughters' faces and looks at them lovingly. "I love you, Saote, and I love you, Saohe," he said softly to them. When Sariya saw her husband's expression, it was as if her heart was pinched, as if she already knew what those expressions meant. "Don't say you can't come back, Saotaru," Sariya pleaded with her husband. "Protect our children, I will die with our people and Empire, protect our daughters, my beloved wife," he said sadly as he mounted his horse alongside the troops. "Hyah! Hyah! Hyah!" "Saotaru! "Dad! Dad! " His two daughters screamed, wishing their father would never leave them. Saohe is only five years old, and Saote is ten. Outside and inside the Sao Empire, there is intense fighting and noise. Tuo has destroyed Sao's Giant Gate. Tuo has destroyed Sao's Giant Gate. Many people were killed in each camp. The tragic appearance of every corpse is a lot of blood, a severed head, a severed hand, or a dismembered body. When the Tuo general saw his newly arrived friend, he signaled his men to dismantle the gate. Saotaro. The Emperor of Sao followed suit. It also sent a signal to his camp, temporarily halting the war. The emperor turned his eyes around his surroundings, there is no doubt that the Sao had been knocked down a lot, but they were still at a disadvantage because he only had 23,000 people and from what he could see, the number was reduced by half. Small Empire against the biggest Empire.
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