Making Decisions

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Chapter 4 As soon as I saw his smirk, I knew he was going to be a pr.ick like usual and try and make the most of this opportunity to insult and belittle us. I would not let him tear me down, and I was determined to keep my head held high. As soon as the insults started, Calla was right back on my side. “Fine you were right, that a.sshole will never change, we do not owe him an explanation, and he does not deserve to know who and what we truly are. Let’s put him in his place and get this rejection over with. We deserve someone better than him” she snorts. After the insults were thrown back and forward and the rejection given and accepted I walked out of there feeling happy to be rid of him as he lay on the ground roaring in pain like the weak pathetic fool he is. No, it was time to go home and make some decisions in my life, I just hope Calla is on board with them. I spent a couple of hours in my room discussing our options with Calla, we had finished school 2 weeks ago, so at least we did not have to consider that and finishing it up. We just needed to look at all of the factors and decide what we wanted in our lives. Up until now, everyone else had made the decisions for us and had hidden everything from us. I can understand to a point why most of the decisions were made, but there was nothing stopping them from letting us know who we were years ago and just letting us know how important it was to keep it from others. The fact we were not even trusted with our own identity still stings, and then for it all to be dumped on us at once, and for them to expect us to play happy families as if none of this had ever happened is not something I am ready for yet. I need time to get my head around things and find myself as a person with this new knowledge. I made my way downstairs for lunch with Mum to tell her what we had decided, I just hope she is not too upset with the choices we have made. I didn’t want to ruin the meal so I waited until after we had finished our meal before I broached the subject. I could tell she was nervous about what I was going to say before I had even opened my mouth. “Mum I have decided to leave the pack, but I am not ready to meet my biological parents yet. I am not sure exactly what I am going to do yet or where I will go, but I want to use the skills you have taught me to help people and see a bit of the world” I tell her. “Is this because of the rejection? Is that why you are in a rush to leave here” she asks. “Only partly, we are not upset about it. If he hadn’t got in there first, we would have done the honours and rejected him. Calla had no issues accepting it. He is not a good person and does not deserve a minute of our thoughts to be wasted on him. This is just something we need to do for us to find ourselves and discover who we are with our new identity” I explain. “Fine if that is what you truly want, then I will support you. I will need to send word to your parents so that they know you are safe. I will also get in touch with my brother Mack. He works with the council helping out packs and covens who need it. He is not directly related to the council, he just gets jobs from them from time to time, so you would not need to worry about bumping into your family before you are ready” she tells me. “I remember Uncle Mack, that would be great actually, I never realised he was in that kind of work. I take it he knows of my real identity. Also, I would prefer if you did not let my biological family know what I was doing just in case they tried to get me there using a case to force my hand” I say. “I can understand that, and I will respect your decision, I will tell them you are travelling with company so you will be well protected and will be in touch when you are ready. Let me call Mack, and I will see what he says” she let’s me know before leaving to make a call. I sit at the table anxiously, hoping that the conversation will go well. I relax immediately when Mum walks back into the room with a big smile on her face. “Well I am going to miss you so much, baby girl, but my loss is Mack’s gain. He was thrilled to hear you wanted to work with him and can’t wait to see you again. They are just finishing up a job, and then he will meet you in town on Thursday, so I get to have you for 3 more days. He figured you wouldn’t want anyone from here to know where you were going or what you were up to. That is why he will meet you in town. Now when you get to his training camp he will accept you into his pack, everyone there has accepted him as their Alpha which means they are able to leave their packs without becoming rogues even though it is not technically a pack in the strictest sense of the word. Is there anything you want to ask” she told me. “Will you give me some extra training before I leave to make sure I am not rusty, and when should we tell the Alpha and Luna, also what do we tell them” I throw questions at her excitedly. “Of course I will train extra with you, but if you are rusty, I hate to think how bad off the poor sods at training would be if you weren’t” she says, chuckling. “As for the Alpha and Luna, we will tell them you are leaving for a job opportunity, you can not give up as a trainer with your uncle. They know how good you are and they know he has his own pack as such, the Luna knows some things about you so I imagine she will not be too surprised you are leaving and is probably not too happy at her son right now” she adds. “Will she say anything” I ask, worried. “No she will never tell him or anyone else, and she will also not question what you are really doing. She may want to pop in and see you before you go, I know she will be sad to see you leave, she always hoped you would become her daughter in law, she loves you like her own” mum says. “I know that, I love Luna Darla, I have no idea how Jamison turned out the way he did when his parents were like that” I say. “He will learn one day, hopefully before he has done too much damage to the pack” Mum says, sighing. The next few days were so busy that I trained as much as I could with Mum. It was always something we enjoyed doing together and gave us plenty of time with each other. I also made sure to catch up with my friends before leaving and promised to keep in touch. They are a good bunch who never thought bad of me just because I did not shift on my 18th birthday. Surprisingly, the future beta and Gamma’s sisters are nothing like their brothers, this is why they are my best friends. We have so much in common, and they do not care about ranks. On Wednesday night, the Luna came over to see my mum and I so we could spend a bit of time together before I left the next morning. It was mostly small talk, reminiscing, and talking about how much she would miss me before she brought up the subject of her son. “I am so sorry about the way Jamison has treated you, I still can not believe he was stupid enough to reject you straight off the bat. I have no idea where I went wrong with that boy” she tells me sadly. “To be fair, Luna, all of the ranked heirs are idiots, so you can not really blame yourself. Some people just can not handle having a bit of authority and power without letting it get to their head and thinking they are better than everyone else. With the way he has acted and how he looked down on me, if he had not rejected me, I would have done it first anyway. The only reason I did not do it first was because Calla asked me to give him a chance to speak. She soon realised that was a mistake” I tell her honestly. “He is a complete i***t. He has to be able to smell you, and the fact you don’t submit to anyone should give him an indication of your power. Do you realise he wants to make Julie his mate, I mean, really, he thinks she has all the right qualities for a Luna” she says outraged as I laugh. “I am sorry for laughing, but that is the funniest thing I have heard in a long time. I really hope for your sake he gets a knock on the head and sees sense before he marks her. I can’t think of anything worse than having to train her every day to become Luna” I say, still laughing. “Oh don’t, I hadn’t even thought about that. This just keeps getting better and better, I think I would string her up if I am stuck training her, she is dumber than a block of wood” she says joining in the laughter while shaking her head at the thought. It was really nice chatting to her before I excused myself for bed, wanting to get an early night so I could get up early tomorrow to get ready to meet my uncle. I am so excited for this new chapter in my life, and I am determined to make the most of it.
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