Chapter 1

1758 Words
I tossed and turned from side to side, struggling to sleep because of the growling in my stomach. I couldn't fall asleep because of how hungry I was, but one thing that I refuse to do is to wake up in the middle of the night and eat. I turned to face Cathy, my younger sister, and she was fast asleep, unlike me. She trashes around the bed with her feet flying everywhere and lands a kick in my stomach while doing god knows what. I groan in pain and push her over the bed. I hear a big thump as she falls on the floor and I completely ignore her and I turn and face the other direction. She squeals in pain and I hear her stand up rustling with the clocking checking the time and getting into bed again. I swear I might have to push her again. She has the worst sleeping position ever. “I know I’m cramping your space but you don’t have to push me over the bed, you know that you don’t scare me?” She says with grogginess in her voice and I see an outline of her finger pointed in my direction from the corner of my eye. I scoffed in disbelief. “Things would be different if your small brain knew there were no ghosts, psychopath. ” I said, trying to get comfortable in bed and get some sleep. I have a long day tomorrow at school and I don’t want to fall asleep during any classes. I can't even sleep comfortably in my bed because my fifteen-year-old sister ran from her bedroom claiming that there was a ghost. She was sensing that there was something wrong in her room. We have been living in this house ever since we were born, but suddenly, she can sense ghosts. I don’t know why I pity her. “You better get something to eat, that growling stomach of yours is giving me nightmares,” Cathy said as she clicked her tongue in annoyance, and a few minutes later I heard her snore. We are one of the average families in our small town, our parents have decent jobs around the town. We have been living a better life than our parents think we could have. My Dad works as a coach for the basketball team and my mom works as a secretary for a company that is owned by the Packer family. They are the richest family in our town. They are not a big family. They are filthy rich. Their family consists of Mr. Packer senior, his son Tyson Packer, his daughter Emily Packer and Mr. Tyson’s wife. Mr Packer senior’s wife doesn’t live with them. I don’t know for what reason. It's none of my business. "You should try to fall asleep, you have a long day tomorrow. I heard you speaking to Mom about writing a test for university entries, it's a big thing.” Cathy’s sleepy voice said suddenly said next to me. I sat up and got off the bed, taking a small blanket with me. “It’s not that big, I just have to make sure I’m focused and not sleepy,” I said as I walked out of my room and walked downstairs. The lights were off and I didn’t turn them on. I sat on the sofa and stared at the roof trying to fall asleep, until I did. I jolted awake and sat up and realized that it was morning and the sun was already shining bright outside. I sat up and stretched out my arms. My mind quickly registered that I fell asleep on the couch rather than in my bed. I wonder why. “Hey, Emerald. Did you sleep on the sofa? I thought I bought everyone in this house a bed .” Dad said as he walked in and got busy making some coffee for him in the kitchen. I smiled through my heavy eyelids, heavy with sleep. “You did, but it seems like it doesn’t work for all of us.” “Hey, are you okay? I know it’s morning and it’s very early, but you know you can talk to me, right? This is a safe space, honey.” Dad said as he walked towards me and sat on the sofa in front of me. I instantly felt free to talk to him. “I don’t think I’m going to nail this test, Dad. I can’t seem to know how to fall asleep these days. What if I fall asleep on top of the test paper while writing? Or what if I forget what I studied?” I said to Dad, panicking and hiding my face with my hands in distress. “Seriously, Emerald? Tears so early in the morning. What’s upsetting you and why does it seem like you spent your night on the sofa?” Mom asked as she walked in on me about to cry myself to sleep. “She’s worried about the test and it seems like she can’t get any sleep these days. She’s worried that she might fall asleep while she’s writing the test.” Dad repeated what I had just said to his wife without even batting an eye. “Dad! What happened to ‘this is a safe space, honey’?” I asked, imitating what he said with his own voice. I angrily stood up and left him there shrugging his shoulders, seeming lost. I quickly fixed the bed and made my way to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and took a quick shower. I don’t have a car yet, so I ride with Dad or one of my friends and today I’m not in the mood for cheerleaders. Well, my friends are cheerleaders except for me. I walked to my room and got out my outfit for the day, which is a skirt, a black shirt with a black blazer, and sneakers. “We’re leaving in ten minutes!” Dad shouted. I quickly moisturized my body, and wore my clothes, fixed my brown curly hair and checked if my stuff is in my bag and I went downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and Mom was on the stove cooking eggs. I ignored her as I took a water bottle from the fridge and stood by the door waiting for Dad to come out so we could leave. “I think the person that you are supposed to be angry with is your dad, not me,” Mom said as she continued dishing up for herself and eating. I rolled my eyes and still ignored her. Cathy also came jogging down with unkempt brown stale hair and a white T-shirt, some jeans, and sneakers. “Why the hell didn’t you brush your hair?” I asked her, feeling annoyed even with her leaving my bed un-made. She stuck her tongue out at me and Dad also came out and kissed Mom and we walked out to the car. I grabbed Cathy by the arm while Dad walked away to the garage to start the car. She immediately winced and kept quiet once she saw the expression on my face. “I don’t want you in my room again, if you can’t keep it clean I can’t keep you around it,” I said as I let go of her and went to the car. “Whatever.” She said behind me, I rolled my eyes at her, she doesn’t even regret it. We arrived at school, Dad and Cathy were busy with their conversation and I was not interested in being a part of it. Dad parked in the parking space and I got out without even saying goodbye to them. I’ve had the worst day in the last hour because of them. Instead of being supportive on this important day, they try to sabotage it. I swear I need a new family, a family that will take me seriously. “Hey, honey. I’m sorry okay? I can give you money for lunch.” Dad said as he tried to get my attention. I shook my head as I walked away. “I’ve got it covered.” “Hey, honey.” I heard a voice say behind me and a laugh followed. I turned around ready to serve that person whatever s**t I had up my sleeve, but I realized it was my two best friends and my boyfriend. “That’s not funny guys,” I said, cracking a small smile. Alex walked up to me and kissed me on the cheek. I smiled as I kissed him back. I’ve been blessed with the most handsome boyfriend and the nicest guy at this school. He’s not your typical popular basketball player type at school but the type that prefers books over basketball, anytime and he does not have that many friends, unlike me. “Are you ready for that test?” My other best friend Jane asked next to me. I turned to her and just shrugged my shoulders. I have been getting so much pressure from myself, but I can see myself failing it. “You know what’s funny? I’m thinking of just not writing it.” I said, shrugging my shoulders again. We stopped in the middle of the hallway because they were staring at me with wide, concerned eyes. “I know that’s not you talking, it’s someone else. Waiting have you been possessed?” The second best friend, Emily exclaimed with a shocked look. I laughed at their exaggeration. “I needed to laugh but I didn’t want to laugh about my own miserable life,” I said, laughing again. We continued walking to my locker as I got my books and the first bell rang while we were chatting. We said goodbyes and everyone had a class to get to. I had a test to get to. I walked to the classroom where the people from NYU were having the students take the test. I slowly walked in hunched over and lacking motivation. I don’t even know why I’m doing this. I swear I don’t. I sat down and a tablet was given to me with the test in it. I stared at it as it also stared right back at me. I didn’t know what to do. What if I fail? I will have to explain to my family and my friends. Isn’t it better for me to just not write it? Then to write it and fail.
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