Chapter 1

327 Words
1 Zoran Petrovic and Milan Nikolic tried to shelter themselves from the cold as they waited for their pick-up. Milan had dreamed of living in England ever since he was a boy. He’d spend hours a week back in his home village of Ralja, just south of Belgrade, watching dubbed versions of British dramas. He adored the scenery, loved the customs and traditions. So far, he’d seen none of that. The man who’d introduced himself as Alexei promised them shelter, accommodation and the start of a new life in England. It wasn’t every day you got an offer like that, and Zoran and Milan had jumped at the chance. Their drivers were delayed, Alexei said. They’d be here as soon as they could, but they had some business to take care of first. Milan had tried to break the interminable silence by asking more about what the work entailed, but Alexei had been vague. All he’d told them was that it was in the hospitality industry. Alexei was Russian — Milan was fairly sure of that — and he knew that Russians could sometimes be a little abrupt and would only give vague responses. Milan didn’t mind too much. He was just pleased to have landed on his feet with a job. He wasn’t bothered what job it was. He’d wash pots and pans in a hotel kitchen if he had to. He’d go out in all weathers picking strawberries if it meant he had a chance to make a better life for himself. It was finally starting to come together, and he couldn’t wait. ‘Where is the work?’ Milan asked, speaking to Alexei in English. It seemed to be the only common language they had, although Alexei’s English wasn’t great. ‘Is it in a town or city?’ Alexei took a drag on his cigarette, looked at Milan and blew the smoke out through his nostrils. ‘Yes. Town.’ Milan nodded. ‘What is the town called?’ ‘Small town,’ Alexei said. ‘Yes. What is the name of the town?’ Alexei curled his nostrils slightly and stubbed his cigarette out on the brick wall behind him before speaking. ‘Mildenheath.’
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