Shattered Vows and Hidden Betrayals

1851 Words
The night was deep, the air thick with a sense of tension and anticipation. Moonlight filtered through the curtains, casting faint shadows on their skin. They gazed at each other, eyes filled with uncontrollable desire and passion. Her fingers slowly glided over his chest, eliciting a shiver, as if every inch of his skin longed for her touch. He gently grasped her hand, his fingertips conveying a silent plea and yearning. Her breath quickened, a blush spreading across her cheeks, but her gaze grew more resolute. Their bodies moved closer, slowly yet urgently, their warmth and breath intertwining. He lowered his head, his warm lips brushing against her neck, sending a ripple of pleasure through her. She tilted her head back slightly, her hands tightly gripping his back, fingers digging into his muscles as if to meld him into her. Her lips trailed along his jawline, finally pausing on his lips, trembling slightly yet filled with an irrepressible desire. Their kiss began tenderly but quickly turned fervent, like emotions long suppressed finding an outlet at last. Every touch felt like fire, igniting the passion within them. They tangled together on the bed, movements growing more frantic yet tenderly exploring each other’s needs. Her fingers, gentle but firm, caressed every inch of his skin, guiding him to her deepest desires. He responded with even more intense passion and deeper affection. The night seemed endless as they lost themselves in each other’s embrace, immersed in boundless pleasure and sweetness. Every motion, every breath spoke of the indescribable depth of their feelings and longing. In the end, they reached the deepest connection in that moment, as if the entire world consisted only of the two of them, their heartbeats and breaths merging into one, inseparable. …… Monica lay on the pristine white hospital bed, surrounded by white walls and soft lighting. The sunlight streamed through the window, casting a warm glow into the room. Her eyelids fluttered slightly, and a sweet smile played on her lips, clearly immersed in her dream. Suddenly, the tranquility was shattered by the sound of hurried footsteps, followed by a clear and professional voice at her ear: “Monica, it’s time to check your temperature and blood pressure.” She abruptly opened her eyes, and the dream world instantly dissipated, replaced by a familiar yet kind face. The nurse, dressed in a light blue uniform, had a name tag that read “Casey.” “Sorry to bother you,” Casey said with a smile. “I know it’s rest time, but this is a routine check.” Monica blinked, trying to pull herself out of the dream. She nodded and said softly, “It’s okay.” Despite the slight blush on her cheeks, she knew these checks were essential, especially with her due date approaching. Casey expertly took out the thermometer and blood pressure monitor, handling them gently. Meanwhile, the machines in the room hummed softly, with the data constantly updating on the display screen. Outside, the chirping of birds mingled with the distant city noises, reminding her that this place was full of life and hope. A few minutes later, Casey put away the instruments with satisfaction. “Everything looks good,” she said. “Do you need to rest a bit more? Or is there anything else you need?” Monica shook her head. “Thank you, Casey. I feel much better.” Casey nodded and said softly, “Alright, just call me if you need anything.” She then turned and quietly closed the door behind her. Monica lay back on her pillow, pulling the blanket over her face, her cheeks burning. Damn it, it had been so long, but the images from that day with Tom still frequently appeared in her dreams. Monica lay on the hospital bed, staring at the ceiling tiles, each one a monotonous reminder of the hours she had spent here. She reached for her phone and dialed Tom’s number, her fingers trembling slightly. She craved something sour – maybe some pickles or those tangy candies she loved. Tom had been so attentive, always bringing her whatever she needed. The call connected, and she immediately heard Tom’s familiar ringtone just outside her room. It stopped abruptly. Straining her ears, she caught Tom’s voice, low and urgent, talking to someone. The voices faded, moving away from her room. Curiosity gnawed at her, pushing Monica to sit up and swing her legs over the side of the bed. Ignoring the slight dizziness, she walked to the door and cracked it open. Down the hall, she saw her cousin, Louise, her hand gripping Tom’s arm, leading him towards a quieter part of the corridor. Frowning, Monica slipped out of her room, careful not to make a sound. She followed them, her heart pounding with each step. What could they possibly be talking about that required such secrecy? As she turned the corner, Monica saw Tom and Louise in front of an unused office, the door ajar. They were deep in conversation, their voices just above a whisper. “Tom, when are you going to tell Monica the truth?” Louise’s voice was a mix of frustration and desperation. Tom sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair. “Louise, I can’t. Not now.” Monica’s breath caught in her throat. What truth? She inched closer, her pulse racing. Louise’s voice wavered. “You spent that night with me, not her. How long do you plan to keep this lie going? She deserves to know that the child she’s carrying isn’t yours.” Monica’s world tilted. She pressed a hand to her chest, struggling to breathe. Tom looked pained, his voice barely a whisper. “I know, but I can’t let her find out. My company is on the brink of collapse. If I marry Monica, the Visconti family’s wealth can save it. I need this, Louise. We both do.” Louise’s voice hardened. “And what about me? I’m carrying your real child. What am I supposed to do?” Monica’s heart shattered. Tears blurred her vision as she stumbled back, the weight of their words crushing her. She had to know the whole truth; her heart raced with a mixture of fear and determination. Taking a deep breath, she steadied herself and pushed the door open, stepping into the room. Tom and Louise turned around simultaneously, their faces painted with shock and confusion. “Monica, what are you doing here?” Tom asked, stepping forward with a flustered expression. “I called you and then heard your ringtone outside,” Monica said calmly, though her eyes betrayed her unease. “What were you two talking about?” Louise saw Monica, and her eyes flickered with a moment of panic before she masked it with a determined expression. She abruptly turned and slapped Tom hard across the face. The room fell silent, the sharp sound of the slap hanging in the tense air. Taking a deep breath, Louise forced herself to calm down. She walked up to Monica, her eyes a mix of helplessness and cold determination. “The night before the cruise arrived in Norway, we were all drunk,” she began, her voice steady yet sharp. “It was me who was with Tom. We had no idea which room you went into… Tom only admitted the child was his for the money! To marry you! You’ve known Tom since childhood, grown up together, and you don’t even know what his body looks like?” As Monica listened, her face grew paler, the blood draining from it. She felt a chilling cold spread through her body, almost unable to stand. She looked at Louise, her heart filled with disbelief and despair as if she had been pushed into a bottomless abyss. Monica stared at Tom in disbelief, hoping for an explanation. She couldn’t believe everything had been a lie. The child in her womb…? Only now, prompted by Louise, she suddenly recalled that, aside from the physique, the man that night had so many differences from Tom… Monica’s mind went blank as she watched Tom walk toward her. He reached out to hold her hand, but she pulled away. She watched as Tom’s mouth opened and closed, words failing to bring comfort. He talked for what felt like forever, reminiscing about their childhood together and their years as sweethearts. He explained his startup’s impending bankruptcy and the desperate need for funds. He confessed his shock upon learning she was pregnant. He admitted he had planned to pretend Monica’s child was his own, marry her, and secure the Visconti family’s support to save his company. He described his affair with Louise as a mistake, offering to compensate her with money, and insisted he didn’t want her child. Finally, he said, “Monica, I’m sorry… but I don’t mind the child in your womb. I love you very much.” Monica looked up at Tom, then glanced at Louise standing beside him, her face full of despair. “And what about me?” Monica asked, her voice trembling. “Did you ever consider me, even a little?” Tom remained silent. After a long pause, he reached out to pull Monica back. “Let’s go back to the hospital room…” “Don’t touch me!” Monica fiercely shook off Tom’s hand and suddenly burst into hysterical laughter. At this point in her life, Monica felt like she had been living as a joke. She had been doted on by her parents since childhood, never needing to curry favor with the social elite, living a life of complete freedom. But because of Tom’s traditional and conservative aristocratic views, she gave up her dream of singing and clumsily tried to learn noble etiquette. Tom could have just told her the truth, that his company needed funds. But instead, he chose to deceive her! Not only did he betray her, but he also had an affair with her cousin Louise. How dare he try to use money to solve the problems between him and Lois? And isn’t the child between them innocent? As her cousin and close friend, Louise knew how much Monica loved Tom, yet she still betrayed her! Monica covered her face, her body trembling like a leaf, despair reaching its peak. Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through her abdomen, as if a blade were twisting inside her. Monica looked down in horror, seeing blood flowing down her legs. Her body began to convulse uncontrollably, her breathing quickened, and her vision blurred. “Monica!” Tom shouted, trying to catch her as she fell. “Don’t touch me…” Monica’s voice was weak and barely audible. She felt dizzy, her body growing heavier and heavier. She struggled to stay conscious, but the pain and fear kept dragging her down. Through the hazy figures around her, the last thing she saw were the faces of Tom and Louise, faces that filled her with revulsion. Then, the excruciating pain in her abdomen overwhelmed her, and a chilling coldness swept over her… The world went black.
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