The Last Chance

1943 Words
Five years later, … In July in New York, the sky was a brilliant blue, the sun shone brightly, and the air was unbearably humid. The streets teemed with people, and the noise was incessant. Backstage at Symphony Studios, in the dressing room of a talent show. Mike stood beside the makeup mirror, holding a schedule. He crossed out Monica’s name, indicating her elimination from the contest, and turned to look at her as she removed her makeup in front of the mirror. He paused, clearly annoyed. “Monica, you got eliminated again. Do they think your singing isn’t good enough, or is your stage presence lacking?” Monica slowly lifted her head, her slender fingers applying serum to her face, and raised an eyebrow. “Who says I can’t sing?” Monica’s singing was not the issue; she had a captivating voice that always enchanted the audience. Her appearance was sweet. At that moment, she was wearing her performance outfit from the competition—a figure-hugging Chanel-inspired suit. The light-colored pencil skirt accentuated her perfect figure, her waist was slim, and the hem of the skirt stopped above her knees, revealing her slender, fair legs. She was radiant and alluring, her every smile and gesture captivating. Mike sighed heavily, feeling pained. She was as beautiful as a fairy, with a face that could stand out even in the beauty-packed entertainment industry. Moreover, she was a solid singer. Yet, Monica just couldn’t seem to become popular… Whenever she made it to trending topics, her name would be removed within ten minutes. Whenever she participated in competitions, the show would run into financial problems and get canceled. If she managed to make it to the finals, either the show wouldn’t air, or her scenes would be cut to almost nothing. Getting her spot taken by someone else was now normal, and Mike, as her manager, was almost numb to it. “It’s not that you can’t sing… I just couldn’t help but complain.” Monica glanced at him. “What are you complaining about? That you didn’t get paid, or that your bonus is too small?” “I’m getting paid so much, but I haven’t been able to make you a star. I feel really bad about it,” Mike said, his tone filled with self-deprecation. Mike, once a high-spirited and renowned agent in the entertainment industry, had guided many female singers to stardom. But ever since he took on Monica, he truly understood what it meant to hit rock bottom. “I just want to sing well. I don’t care about becoming famous,” Monica replied calmly, her voice carrying a hint of indifference. Mike looked at her, his eyes filled with helplessness as if he were looking at a naïve princess. Frustrated, he said, “Without fame, how can you get good songs, Monica? Your attitude just won’t cut it.” “Look at those A-list and B-list singers. They have access to all kinds of resources. But look at us, way down the list. We can’t even get a chance to audition; it’s humiliating.” Monica blinked, a hint of grievance in her voice as she said, “Even if I wanted to become famous, Tom Montefiore wouldn’t allow it.” Five years ago, after she called off their engagement, Tom’s company went bankrupt due to poor management. That petty man has held a grudge against her ever since, blocking her at every turn. As a member of the Visconti family, Tom wouldn’t threaten her safety, but he was adept at creating obstacles in her pursuit of her dreams. Despite Monica’s parents doting on her and allowing her to avoid pandering to social elites, she still had to conceal her identity to enter the entertainment industry and chase her dream of becoming a singer. This gave Tom the perfect opportunity to interfere. —Her path to pursuing her dream had thus become fraught with difficulties. The dressing room at Symphony Studios was softly lit, and the air was filled with the subtle scent of cosmetics. As Monica removed her makeup, she scrolled through her phone, suddenly stopping at a talent show recruitment ad that caught her attention: “Searching for the Next Superstar—Global Talent Show. Inspired by a popular Korean format, filmed entirely on Huangdao Island, live-streamed 24/7, dormitory living, intense competition. Want to be the star of tomorrow? Apply by the end of this month.” Her eyes lit up. She quickly took a screenshot and turned to Mike. “Mike, look at this talent show,” she said excitedly, handing him her phone. Mike took the phone, skimmed the ad, and frowned. “What kind of show is this?” “It’s a program imported from Korea. They place contestants on an island, in shared dorms, with round-the-clock live streaming. I think it’s a great opportunity to gain exposure,” Monica explained, her voice full of anticipation. Mike was silent for a moment, then shook his head. “Monica, this show is organized by Alexander Knight’s company. He has no background in the entertainment industry; this is his first venture into this field. Do you think this is a good opportunity?” “Alexander Knight?” Monica repeated, clearly unfamiliar with the new mogul’s background. “Yes, he’s a big shot in the tech world, but in entertainment, he’s an amateur. Such a show might become chaotic due to his lack of experience. And are you ready to live in such conditions? You’re used to a certain standard of living,” Mike said, his tone tinged with concern. Monica bit her lip. “I know it won’t be easy, but I’ve tried so many times. This might be my last chance. And in such a closed competition with 24/7 live streaming, as long as I don’t make mistakes, Tom won’t be able to sabotage me.” Mike was silent for a while, then said, “Monica, you also have a five-year-old son, Jason. Are you sure you want to participate in such a show now? With live streaming, you’ll have almost no privacy. The fewer people who know about Jason, the better.” Monica’s eyes were resolute. “I know, but this time, I can’t miss the opportunity. I believe I can do it.” Mike sighed helplessly, “Alright if you’ve made up your mind, I’ll help you prepare as best as I can. But you must understand, this path may be tougher than you think.” The dressing room lights cast a glow on Monica’s face as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. “Thank you, Mike. I’ll give it my all,” she said determinedly. …… The nanny van smoothly pulled into the plaza in front of the Technologies Building, navigating through the bustling streets of Manhattan. Monica and her agent, Mike, stepped out of the car. Standing beside the vehicle, Monica habitually glanced up at the glass and steel skyscraper before her, her expression calm and composed. Such towering buildings were a familiar sight to her. This imposing skyscraper, named the “Apocalypse Technologies Tower,” serves as the headquarters for the world-leading tech company, Apocalypse Technologies. The building’s exterior features the latest in smart glass technology, which automatically adjusts its transparency based on sunlight intensity, offering both energy efficiency and a modern aesthetic. At the entrance, a massive electronic screen continuously showcased the company’s latest tech products and future visions, underscoring formidable technological prowess. Monica and Mike walked into the lobby, where sleek marble tiles laid in geometric patterns gave the floor a particularly stylish vibe. The high ceiling, embedded with countless recessed lights, created a spacious and bright atmosphere. The walls were adorned with vibrant modern art pieces, providing a striking visual impact. The receptionist at the front desk, dressed in a crisp uniform, greeted them with a smile and offered guidance. After Monica and Mike stated their purpose, the receptionist politely directed them towards the elevators. Riding the high-speed elevator upward, Monica and Mike admired the city’s stunning scenery through the transparent doors. Skyscrapers stretched endlessly, and the bustling streets lay far below. The elevator stopped on the 45th floor, and they stepped out into a spacious hallway, where the thick, soft carpet completely absorbed the sound of their footsteps. At the end of the hallway was a conference room with “Starlight Odyssey Signing Room” engraved on the door. Pushing the door open, Monica saw a professionally dressed woman standing in the center of the room. She introduced herself as a senior project manager from Knight Technologies, responsible for the specifics of the talent show. The conference room was furnished in a minimalist, modern style, with the latest electronic devices on the table and a world map on the wall, highlighting Apocalypse Technologies’ global branches. After Monica and Mike took their seats, the project manager began to explain the show’s rules, contract terms, and the signing process in detail. As they were carefully reviewing the contract, there was a soft knock on the meeting room door. “Come in,” responded the project manager. The door opened slowly, revealing Alexander Knight. He was tall and wore a well-tailored deep blue suit, the collar of his white shirt slightly open, and a subtly luxurious silver tie. His black leather shoes shone like new, and every detail exuded the elegance and refinement befitting a business magnate. His sharp eyebrows and straight nose, along with his handsome face and a sun-kissed, golden tan, added a touch of rebellious charm to his appearance. Alexander was immediately captivated by Monica upon entering the room. She exuded a unique blend of sensuality and innocence, like a combination of angel and siren, making anyone who saw her instantly desire to place her in a carefully crafted glass showcase. Her striking beauty and alluring demeanor made every smile and gesture stir a sense of longing. Monica, in turn, openly observed him, letting her gaze rest on this famed tech mogul without a hint of shyness. Her eyes were filled with confidence and curiosity. Alexander nodded apologetically to the project manager before approaching Monica and Mike. “Sorry to interrupt. I’m Alexander Knight. I happened to be passing by and heard about the signing, so I thought I’d stop in.” Monica smiled slightly, stood up, and extended her hand to him. “Hello, Mr. Knight. I’m Monica. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” As Alexander took her hand, he felt her slender, warm fingers, and his gaze lingered on her face. Puzzled, he had a nagging feeling that he had seen this woman somewhere before. He politely inquired, “Miss Monica, have we met somewhere before?” Monica smiled with a hint of pride, her eyes twinkling playfully as she joked, “Maybe it’s because I’ve participated in so many talent shows but never had the big break. you might have noticed me before.” Alexander’s smile widened slightly, his gaze reflecting a mix of admiration and anticipation. “Regardless, I believe you will stand out in this competition. Your confidence and presence have already impressed me. I hope you achieve your dreams and shine on stage.” Their hands were still clasped, and a faint sense of ambiguity lingered in the air. Monica felt the warmth of Alexander’s hand, and a subtle ripple stirred in her heart. She met his gaze boldly, leaning in slightly as she softly replied, “Thank you for your kind words, Mr. Knight. I will do my best.” Alexander nodded slightly, releasing her hand, but his gaze remained on her, showing a hint of reluctance.
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