Island Beginnings

1544 Words
The plane soared through the blue sky, and Monica gazed out the window into the distance. Her heart was a mix of excitement and anxiety, unsure of what awaited her on that remote island, but she was ready to face any challenge. As the plane circled over the island, Monica marveled at the miracle created by Apocalypse Technologies, a leading global tech company. This secluded island was a paradise. The lush green rainforest contrasted with the azure sea, and at the island’s center was a wide sandy beach surrounded by tall coconut trees. The island, encircled by the sea, presented a picturesque yet isolated scenery. After landing, the staff first inspected the luggage and confiscated and sealed all communication devices that could contact the outside world. This ensures that the contestants are not disturbed and can fully focus on training and competing. In case of an emergency, the program team will help relay messages. Once eliminated, contestants will have their belongings returned. After the inspection, Monica and the other contestants were taken to their dormitory. They will live together here, and except for private areas, their lives will be broadcasted around the clock as they engage in intense competition on this isolated island. The dormitory was located in a secluded corner of the island, a modern structure of glass and steel. Apocalypse Technologies spared no expense, creating a living environment that seemed straight out of a futuristic world. The transparent glass walls offered a 360-degree panoramic view of the island’s stunning scenery, while the interior boasted a sleek and luxurious design equipped with the latest smart devices. Each dormitory was shared by four contestants. Monica and three other girls were assigned to a spacious room with an open-plan living area in the center, surrounded by their sleeping quarters. Each sleeping area had its own bed, desk, and storage cabinet, providing ample privacy. Monica’s bed was a smart bed that automatically adjusted to her body shape and sleeping habits for maximum comfort. Beside the bed was a holographic TV that could receive information from the outside world at any time, allowing her to stay connected even on this remote island. A state-of-the-art smart device sat on her desk, enabling her to handle daily tasks and record her life experiences. The communal area featured a large open kitchen stocked with a variety of fresh ingredients and high-end cookware. In one corner of the kitchen was a mini-bar offering various drinks and snacks, providing a convenient spot for the contestants to relax and socialize. Outside the dormitory, there was an ecological garden created by Apocalypse Technologies, filled with various tropical plants and even a small orchard. In the center of the garden, a natural hot spring invited the contestants to relax and unwind. At night, the garden was illuminated with soft, gentle lighting, creating a dreamy atmosphere. Monica stood on the dormitory balcony, gazing out at the endless ocean in the distance and the vibrant forest and garden nearby. Taking a deep breath of fresh air, she overheard the conversations inside the dormitory. “Do you think Alexander Knight will come here?” “No way, he’s too busy.” “I thought he built this place as a private retreat.” “He’s probably not interested in women. I’ve heard he’s eager to break into the entertainment industry…” “Did you know? I heard he has an amazing ex-girlfriend, but no one has ever seen her.” “Ex-girlfriend? I thought he was gay and in a relationship with his male assistant. No media has ever caught any scandalous news about him with a woman.” Monica listened as their conversation grew more and more outrageous. Remembering her previous encounter with Knight, she smiled and shook her head. Turning around, she saw a girl walking towards her. “Monica, it’s you. Do you remember me? We competed together on N Channel before. You were the one I defeated.” Hearing the voice, Monica glanced up nonchalantly. “Oh, I don’t remember.” The girl opposite was immediately taken aback, a hint of embarrassment flashing across her face. “I know you too!” someone nearby chimed in. “I like the song ‘Life’ that you wrote. Every time I listen to it, it makes me miss my mom.” The first girl sneered, “That’s the only decent song she’s got. Did you know? The person in front of you signed with a top agent but hasn’t been seen in the entertainment industry for six years. This isn’t her first talent show either; she always gets eliminated in the third round. Now she’s finally on a big show, but she’ll probably be cut in the first round.” Monica heard the words and responded with a calm smile. She knew that the best response to such provocation was to remain unbothered and resilient. Her ups and downs in the entertainment industry had already steeled her resolve. The atmosphere in the dormitory grew awkward after the exchange. Another girl looked visibly uneasy, unsure of how to continue the conversation. The girl who had greeted Monica earlier decided to break the tension with a smile. “, I’m also an unknown in the entertainment industry, and I can’t even write songs! No matter what, we’re all starting from the same point here. I hope everyone can show their best in this competition.” Her words eased the atmosphere a bit, and the previously unsure girl nodded in agreement. “Hi, I’m Kelly.” The girl extended her hand to Monica. Monica smiled and shook Kelly’s hand. “I’m Monica.” “I’m Lancy,” the other girl said softly. “Nice to meet you, Lancy,” Monica replied with a smile. Seeing that no one was paying attention to her, the girl who had previously provoked Monica rolled her eyes and stormed out of the dormitory in a huff. The other girls exchanged relieved glances, and the atmosphere in the dormitory gradually lightened up. Since Monica had brought the most belongings, Lancy and Kelly offered to help her sort and organize them, placing everything securely in the lockers. The girls began sharing their experiences and hopes for the future. Kelly talked about her performances at small concerts, while Lancy shared her nervousness during her first television appearance. “My biggest worry is whether we can eat well and sleep well here,” Kelly said with a laugh. “After all, we’re going to be here for a long time.” “Yes, and we have to face all kinds of challenges,” Lancy added. “But we should support each other so we can go further.” Monica nodded, feeling both warmth and excitement about everything. With that, they officially settled in. …… For the next month, all contestants would undergo intensive training organized by the show. They had to report at eight in the morning and could return to the dormitory only at ten in the evening. This high-intensity training would result in another round of eliminations on the tenth day from the end. Monica remembered this clearly. She woke up at six the next morning. Despite the heat of July, she resolutely ran five kilometers. The streets were silent, with only the sound of her footsteps echoing on the empty track. Back at the dormitory, Monica, drenched in sweat, immediately took a cold shower, feeling the cool water wash away the sweat and fatigue. She dried herself off, put on clean clothes, and made a simple sandwich. The bacon was slightly charred, giving it a unique flavor. As she chewed on the sandwich and sipped her milk, she flipped through the morning paper. She squinted her eyes, savoring this new experience. Life now, she thought, was something she had never experienced before, and it felt quite good. The others woke up at eight. They hurriedly washed their faces, brushed their teeth, and applied skincare and makeup. As they were getting dressed and ready to leave, they saw Monica walking in, her hair still slightly damp and her face flushed from the shower. Everyone was stunned. “Where did you go?” Kelly asked curiously. “Running,” Monica replied succinctly. Wendy, who didn’t get along with Monica, sneered, “It’s good to have enthusiasm on the first day. Just don’t burn out later.” With that, she grabbed her bag and hurried out. “Hurry up! We’re going to be late!” Lancy urged. “Forget it, I’ll skip breakfast…” Kelly sighed. Monica stopped them and handed them two sandwiches and two bottles of milk. “Most young people today have mild gastritis, partly because they skip breakfast and partly because of irregular sleep patterns,” she said calmly. The two were taken aback, then accepted the sandwiches and milk, feeling a surge of warmth. They had assumed Monica was the one who needed the most care, but it turned out she was the earliest riser and the most organized. They hadn’t had breakfast in who knows how long because they couldn’t wake up early enough, and this small gesture filled them with a sense of gratitude. Even though they were all competitors, in this challenging environment, friendships were quietly beginning to grow.
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