Chapter 2 Obligations

1344 Words
DIMITRI POINT OF VIEW The worst part of being the Alpha of the largest, most respected, and most feared pack in all the lands is the obligations. Today I am standing in a line with other Alpha's to be announced as I enter the Luna ceremony for an allied pack. Like I said obligations. I would rather be almost anywhere else. The line slowly moves. It takes all my strength not to groan in frustration. I look down at my dress shoes and play with my pocket square. I hate this suit, the pack colors navy blue and cream never really suit me. I had it tailored to fit me better as it was not made for my broad shoulders. I run my hand through my dark brown hair messing up the styling. Finally, the line shortens and it is my turn. I whisper my full name to the announcer who bellows. "Alpha Christos Dimitri Adonosis Grey. Eternity pack." I step into the room and all eyes are on me. As an alpha, I am naturally good-looking. This makes all the she-wolves pine for me, especially as I am unmated. I hear them squeal and giggle as I make my way to the Alpha table. I nod at my Beta Aaron as I pass. Aaron is the best beta that an alpha could ask for. Smart, cunning, not afraid to do what needs to be done without question. He will protect our pack and his alpha at all costs. He is able to predict my actions and react to my responses. He is my right hand man and dare I say, my best friend He mind links me as I sit at the table. "Don't look so bored." I see him smirk and I stare him down. I answer in the mind link. "I would rather be knee-deep in dead rogues with blood on my hands than sitting here dressed in this ridiculous outfit drinking crappy wine." Aaron replies "You prefer killing rogues over anything. Even sex." A young she-wolf comes and drops a plate of food in front of me. She bends down a little too deep, squeezing her shoulders in to make her t**s look bigger. As she walks away she winks. I don't understand this interaction. It is well known that I will only take a Luna if she is my fated mate and I will only f**k she-wolves during heat. Honestly, I would rather not take any she-wolves during the heat but an alpha has obligations. Not one of them has ever made me c*m. They usually pass out before I get close and I have to move to the next one, like an assembly line. The encounters end with a bunch of passed-out she-wolves and me jacking off in the shower. My attention is brought back to the room by Alpha Oren who is regaling us with stories about his young mate. How she gets embarrassed to show her body. How cute it is when he touches her in public and she blushes. Bashful little thing, I think he said. Typical story, heard it a thousand times. My mind wanders again as I couldn't think of anything less interesting than a shy 18-year-old who is ashamed to f**k her mate like the animal she is. Now that is a story that would be interesting. If I ever find my mate, (unlikely) I hope she is a feisty little vixen who has perfectly round bouncy t**s and a tight ass. A promiscuous little slut who is hungry for my c**k and my c**k alone. I don't have the time or the patience to "break her in" as Alpha Oren said. I will return the favor and please my mate until she can't go anymore. I am fair. I've met enough she-wolves to know that is not likely. Anyone old enough to have the experience I have met and they are not my mates. The young ones are too scared to come near me. I have come to terms with the fact that I will be mateless and pupless. Less complications. Music starts to play and my beta walks up to my side. She-wolves keep coming and asking me to dance. My beta politely tells them I am not interested. One particularly annoying she-wolf won't take no for an answer. f**k this, I won't do insubordination. I look the thing in the eye and say "The only dancing we will do is when I dance on your grave." The she-wolf whimpers and skitters away. Finally, they stop asking me. Aaron mind links me again. "that one was cute." I growl back through the mind link "Have your way with her then" He struts away after the she-wolf and responds "Wait until you meet your mate Christos. You will be a different wolf." I snarl at him and he chuckles dragging the she-wolf to the dance floor. I sit at the table alone for the next 2 hours thankful to be left alone. I plan out strategic attacks for the building we are in. Where the vulnerabilities are, where there is too much protection, and what can be done about it. I will send an email to Alpha Oren so he can resolve the issues, with my support of course. Finally, the music dies down and the presentation of the new Luna begins. As the Head of the Alpha council, I am to provide the blessing. I stand up and look at the new couple. The Luna is a slip of a thing. Maybe 5 foot 6 or 7. She has no muscle mass, no redeeming features and she is wearing a long flowing dress that covers her entire body. Alpha Oren is wearing his pack suit. Age differences are normal in werewolf culture but this girl looks 12. I mind link my beta and asking if we verified all the information. This Luna is of age, willing, and/or fated to their mate. I will not have forced unions under my rule. Beta Aaron confirms. I make a mental note to provide an elite warrior to train a protection team for this new Luna. She could be a weakness to Alpha Oren's pack and me. I approach the happy couple and prepare to do my blessing. I look Luna in the eyes to say the final union words. Her eyes go big and she starts to cry. I hide my snicker. Just a look instills fear. Good. I finish my blessing and go to sit down as Alpha Oren consoles his new bride. From behind me, I hear her say "his e..ey..eye..eyes. The stories are they true?" Alpha Oren says "Let's not worry about that now. You come here and calm down. Tonight is your special night." Tactful Oren. Tonight is not the night to tell the girl that each story, every single one is true. Suddenly out of the blue a young wolf pup barrels through the door. "Rogues in the human woods. Attack on humans." Wolves scatter around the building. Tsk. No semblance of organization, where is the Beta? Why is he not arranging this? The young pup notices the new Luna unattended. He rushes over to her. "Luna I am here for your protection detail. Please follow me." I nod for two of my guys to follow them as well. Brave pup but there is no way he could protect his Luna solo. This young pup would make a good beta. Simple clear communication with all the information and he didn't hesitate to protect his luna. Maybe I will request him to do an internship with Aaron this summer. By request I mean tell. A smile dons my face. I take off my jacket tie and shirt placing them neatly on a chair. I look over at Aaron who is now standing next to me with 2 of our warriors. He cracks his neck side to side, and shakes his arms out. He looks right at me and says "lets do this". Finally this day starts to get better.
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