Chapter 11

1686 Words

Chapter Eleven Connor could sense something was wrong even before the team's starship—the Lucky Sevens—came into view. Dark shadows stretched from the long, angular ship as Selen stomped toward the ramp that headed up to the starboard-side airlock. Then his hunch was confirmed as a head popped out of the open airlock hatch. That head had auburn hair pulled back into a ponytail, a lightly freckled face, and a frown that drew deep lines on an already hard face. Martienne Camille was waiting for their return, and she seemed annoyed. She stepped into view, scrubbing chubby hands with a greasy rag, and put a foot on the top of the ramp. “I hope your news, it is good. Mine? It is bad." It was never easy knowing what to make of Martienne. She was the pilot of the Lucky Sevens and had been si

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