Chapter- 1 : Be ready.

1187 Words
Aashirya's POV : "Naina please baby , don't be so mean... Your one and only best friend is requesting you." I said and give Naina , my best puppy eyes. She looked at me and just rolled her eyes while I just kept on pouting. "Okk, okk, fine!! Now stop your drama." She said coolly and I grinned and hugged her. "Hey! But I never thought that, Mr.Grumy Pants will ever marry and to with your sister...." Naina, my best friend exclaimed while I just chuckled. "And you know what ! I always knew it that they will end up together. I mean, we all know each other from our childhood. And I have always seen them talking with each other,  smiling with each other, chilling out with each other.  But with me, he always used to glares at me , like if anyone will allow him then he will just kill me at the very same instant." I said to her and she nodded her head understandingly, while thinking something deeply. "But still you have a very huge crush on him." Naina said slowly with a smirk on her face while I just rolled my eyes at her. "Correction!! Miss Naina. I had a crush on him baby, but now,  I dont have any." I said to her as we exit our office building. "Ya, I got you babe. Okk then , we will meet tomorrow at 1 p.m in Reliance Trends." She said and we bid our byy to each other with a tight bear hug. I drove my car to my home , while making a mental list of stuffs which I have to buy. I stopped my car at the cafe and brought some pastries for everyone, and within minutes I reached my home and parked my car in the porch. Well , let me introduce myself.  I am Aashirya Sharma. Youngest daughter of Arvind Sharma. I am 25 years old , working as a PR in one of the famous company in Mumbai. My father is a also a big business man, but still I dont work in his company , cause I want to gain everything by my own, without any involvement of my billionaire father. My mom, Mrs.Ritu Sharma, is a fashion designer and have her own famous boutique.  And believe me she is one of the most beautiful lady I have seen . She always Carries her self with a great confidence and elegance. My elder sister,  Disha Sharma is also pursuing her career in fashion world as a model. She is only 2 years older then me and one of the gorgeous girl.  My sister is most adored kid in our house. Mom and dad really adores her alot. Not that i am complaining, its just I am telling you guys. I enter inside my house and welcomed by pin drop silence.  My gaze fell on the people who were continuously staring at me with some kind of emotion in their eyes which didn't give me good vibes at all. My parents along with Laksh , my soon to be brother-in-law, along with his parents are present here , continuously staring at me. I blinked my eyes and cleared my throat before greeting them. "Hellow uncle, hellow aunty !! How are you all?" I asked them politely and went near them to touch their feet in respect.  They both blessed me but had a small sad smile on their face which was very unusual.  I look at my parent confusingly to which, I got a murderous glare from my mom, which she always gives me , and a cold glare from my dad, which literally cause goosebumps to arise on my body. Actually my parents are not very much fond of me. why?  I also don't know. But now I have learnt living like this, as the cold shoulder and ignorance is something which I am very familiar of. I didn't dare to look at Laksh, cause I know he is already glaring at me, like always !! Suddenly my mum started coming towards me , as her hatred gaze was fixed on me. But what caught my attention, was the paper which she was holding in her fist. She stopped at one hand distance to me and put the paper while grabbing my hand forcefully.  I confusingly look at the paper and saw that it's a letter. Tears started brimming in my eyes , when I read the letter. Not believing what I am reading,  I read it again and again, but I see the same words, in which my own elder sister, Disha ran away just before 4 days of her engagement, giving the absurd excuse that she 'can't marry the person whom her younger sister loves'. I removed my gaze from the letter and slowly looked at my mom, who is constantly glaring at me. "Mo-mom I-I ......" I didn't even got the chance to say anything, when a loud sound echoed in the hall and everyone gasped at it. I hold my stinking cheek with my one hand , as tears started flowing from my eyes like Nagara fall. Yes my mum just slapped me in front of everyone without even listening to me. "Why? Why you did this huh? Why you did this with your own sister?" Mom shouted on me while shaking me by grabbing my shoulder. "M-mom I-I didn't do- do anything. I-I swear..... An-and there is no-nothing like she-she has written here." I said with great difficulty as I was crying and my stinking cheek didn't help me at all. " if you didn't tell her anything , then how she knows about your pathetic feelings ?" She again yelled and jerked me away , as I stumbled but didn't fell down. "Mo-mom I really do-dont know. I swear... An-And i also don't feel anything like this . I promise..." I desperately tried to convince her , but she only scoffed and turned her back to me , like she is disgusted of me. I looked around and saw that uncle aunty were looking at me with pity in their eyes, while dad was looking at me blankly. No one trust me... My gaze fell on him, on Laksh Malhotra , who was looking at me intensely with his hand folded across his chest. His face was devoid of any emotion. No anger, no irritation, no sadness, nothing..... his face was blank . But his gaze was boring in my soul as there was something in his eyes which I can't figure out. I looked down ashamed of my condition , and directly ran into my room. I close the door and fell on my bed while crying my heart out. After an hour or so , I heard someone Knocking on my door. I quickly wipe my tears and corrected my cloth and went to open the door. My heart started beating loudly when I saw Laksh , himself was standing in front of me. "Now be ready . Cuz you have put it on Yourself , by your own." his coldly said and before I could understand or say anything , he started walking back , as I kept on looking his returning figure. And his words kept ringing in my ears. " what he meant by that?" I thought to myself, but little did I know that this is gonna be the huge turning point of my life.
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