9 LAYNE One month ago“Layne, I have Bob from Kincaid Incorporated on the phone. He has some questions about the merger.” Sabrina’s light and cheery voice snaps me out of my email-answering-induced zombie state, and I instantly sit up straight, my brain struggling to focus. I chug the rest of my now-cold soy latte before pressing the button on the intercom to respond. “Thanks, Sabrina. Put him through.” Within moments, my phone rings, and I wait a beat to pick it up. “Hi, Bob. What can I do for you?” “Hi, Layne. Listen, I have some concerns about this contract you sent over earlier. Are we actually going to give these guys the rights to fifty percent of our sales revenue moving forward? Doesn’t that sound a little generous to you?” I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose. “I understand