The Day After

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(Libby) My alarm had just went off so I was currently laying up and stretching. I had a great night with Carlos yesterday and he wanted me to go back to his house with him but unfortunately I had homework so I ended up back at Sophie's. She must have went out with Nick that night because no one was home when I got in and she wasn't there when I went to bed I honestly started to worry when I woke up and Sophie still wasn't beside me. Knowing Sophie wasn't the type to sleep out I told myself she must've been sleeping in her mother's room so I decided to just get ready without her. About an hour later I started to worry again so I tried knocking on the door but it was locked so I immediately thought she had left for school early today and decided to leave without me. So I quickly made my way to the door only to see Sophie dressed in a red dress curled up in a ball in front of the door "Hey Sophie" I said shaking her until she woke up "Huh? Libby" she stirred  "What time is it?" "Seven o clock. That's not the point why are you sleeping in front of the door?" I asked "Oh I got home late and I guess I sort of just passed out" she said before I noticed the makeup running down her face "Oh my God Sophie, were you crying?" I asked before she wiped the makeup from her face "Oh no. I was just sweating a lot last night. It was surprisingly hot last night" she lied "You really don't expect me to believe that right." I asked but she just remained silent "Does this have anything to do with Nick?" I asked "Look, I don't want to talk about anything right now okay" "Girl you know-" "Libby I'm serious, I don't want to talk about it" she said  "Okay fine. Get up and go get ready. We're gonna be late" I said helping her up. After a quick shower, we rushed out of the house "So is Nick picking you up?" I asked reaching in my bag for my keys. Before she could even answer we heard a car honking and there came Nick parking in the driveway  "I guess that answers my question" I said about to walk to my car. I hadn't even moved a step when she suddenly grabbed my arm "Actually I'm thinking of driving with you today" she said. I looked at Nick as he got out of car before looking back at her "Sure girl" I said before we walked to my car. "Hey Sophie can we talk?" Nick asked rushing to us before we could get in the car "It's fine Nick we have nothing to talk about" she said opening the door "If that were true you wouldn't be avoiding me" he said forcing it shut "Boy, you better get your hand off my car before you lose it" I glared at him.  "Sorry" he said removing his hand. Sophie let out an exhausted sighed  "I'm not avoiding you okay. I just need some space" she said as she entered in the car I sent one final dirty look at Nick before getting into my car and driving off leaving him on the lawn. "Mind telling me what that was all about" I asked "There's nothing to tell. We're just taking some time away from each other that's all" she answered looking out the window. Her face showing no emotion  "Does Nick know you're taking time a apart. Because it looks like he didn't get the memo" "I just need some space" "That's what people say before they break up" I reminded "We aren't breaking up. Plus I thought you wanted us to break up" she said "This wouldn't happen to have anything to do with James would it?" I said "What!" She yelled turning her head to me. This was the first bit of emotion she had shown since the day had started "Listen Taylor and his new bimbo have nothing to do with this alright!" she yelled defensively "James and his new what?" I asked "Nothing" she said turning back out the window We continued the rest of the ride in silence.  "Hey Shinning one you're here" Carlos said as he and Carl walked up to us "Good morning" I said  "How's it going?" Carl asked gazing unmovingly from his phone "Carl? What are you looking at?" Sophie asked "I'm just trying to win an auction on a costume with a free limited edition glass horse" he explained  "Why?" I asked "I'm planning on wearing it to fright night" he said "Carl that's like what? 28 days away. Why are you worried about that now?" Carlos laughed before I hit his shoulder "It's never too early to start thinking about Fright Night considering it's our last" I scolded  "Yeah. Plus if I win it will take 10 days to get here and then I'll have to make space for the figurine in my collection. I can't just throw it down. I mean would you leave a rare Superman action figure on the side of your bed" Carl said "Okay I see your point" he said. "Aren't you leading the committee this year" Sophie asked "Of course and I'm in charge of the music" I said "Good at least I know they'll be good music there" Sophie said "Girl you know it" I said "Hey guys" James said smiling like he had won the lottery  "Sup James" Carlos and Carl greeted "Taylor" Cindy scoffed "What are you so happy about?" I asked "Nothing?" he chuckled "Nothing my ass. You still on your high because of your date with Betty" Carlos teased throwing his hand around James' shoulder "Date?" I asked looking at Sophie "Don't you know our boy here went on a date with Betty Ann Turner" "He post it on **. Haven't you seen it?" Carl asked "No, I left my phone at my house. I haven't checked on it yet" I said "Can we just drop it? It's nothing big" he said still smiling like Carlos when he got a new action figure "So what were you guys talking about?" he asked his smile finally starting to fade "We're just talking about Fright Night" Carlos said "But isn't that four weeks from now?" He asked "Yeah" I said "But we're planning from early. Speaking of which we haven't spoken about dates." Carl said "Yeah Sophie's going with Nick, I'm obviously going with my Shinning One and Carl's....well Carl's going by himself. So who are you going with?" "Oh I've got someone in mind" he said grinning "That wouldn't happen to be a certain short haired hottie would it" Carlos teased again. But James didn't deny it which made me suspicious. I looked at Sophie trying to gauge her reaction but surprisingly she wasn't even paying attention to our conversation. Instead her attention was in the distance watching Nick as he parked his car. I guess I was wrong? Maybe this didn't have anything to do with James.  "I'm going to class" she said before storming off "What's her problem?" James asked. Not even bothering to answer I started marching over to Nick  "Where are you going?" Carlos yelled as I stopped in front of Nick as he exited his car "Hey Libbs have you seen Sophie?" He asked "She doesn't want to talk to you?" I asked glaring at him "She doesn't have to talk she can just listen. Please I just wat to apologize" "Well that's too bad because she doesn't want to talk to you" she said "Please I just need a second. Can you just tell me where her class is" he begged "You know what sure" "Thank you, I'll owe you one" "I can tell if you tell me what you did to get her to start icing you" I said "It's personal." Then you can  talk to her during her personal time" "Okay fine, there was just a misunderstanding"  "Misunderstanding like what?" I asked  "Listen Libby if you're not going to tell me where she is you should just get out of my way" he said dropping the niceties "Not until you tell me what the hell you did" I ordered "I don't have time for this. Move!" he demanded grabbing my hand. His voice was loud and not going to lie it shook me a bit but I was not going to get scared away but some silly shout. I was ready to throw hands but before I hear Carlos' voice "What's happening here?" Carlos asked walking up to us with Carl and James behind him "Back off Estevez." he said  "I'd appreciate it if you remove that hand?" Carlos said glaring at Nick with his fist clenched.  "I'm just here to talk to Sophie" Nick sighed loosing his grip so I yanked my hand free  "After what you did, you should be lucky she didn't dump you" James said "Stay out of this Taylor. This has nothing to do with you" Nick said glaring at him "What's going on here?" Betty's voice said coming over to us "Great someone else. You know what...I'll talk to her later" Nick said getting into his car and driving away "Okay. Looks like I missed something. Did I come at a bad time?" Betty said "No it's fine. I actually glad you came I want to ask you something" Jimmy said "Sure, You can ask me while we walk" she said "Wait James, Can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked "Can't this wait Libby?" "It's about Sophie and it's serious" I said "Alright, Do you mind Betty?"  "Sure go ahead" she said "I'll talk to you later okay" James said "Okay" Betty said before she left. "Carlos I'll talk to you guys later okay" I said "Okay see ya" Carlos said kissing my cheek before leaving with Carl "So what's up?" James asked "Did you happen to see Sophie last night?" "Yeah" "Did say what happened between her and Nick yesterday?" I asked "She didn't tell you. If she didn't tell you I don't think I should either" He said "Look if you don't tell me I'll just ask Nick. So to save both of some time and energy just tell me now" I said before we sat on the lawn where he told me everything and to be honest I was still confused. That's the reason Sophie slept at door crying, Nick pecked someone on the cheek. I know she likes Nick but not enough to cry herself to sleep at the door. Something's wrong. There's something missing "Are you sure that's all?" I asked "Huh that's all she said. After that she asked me about my date" "You mean Sophie saw you after the date?" I asked curious "Yeah" "Did she say anything?" I asked  "Not really. She just asked how was the date?" "And you said?" I asked "I didn't say much. I told her we had a good time and then we kissed" he said "And Sophie knows about this" "Yeah I told her but then she said she wasn't feeling well and left" he said before everything made sense. "God damnit" I said jumping up "I'll see you later James" I said. "Um...yeah" he said I had wanted to talk to Sophie for the whole day but she seemed to have vanished into thin air. So I just waited for the end of school but she still hadn't shown so I ended up going to her house where I waited for four hours before she finally came in "How could you!" She yelled angrily "What?" I asked confused "How could you just go up to Nick behind my back!" Sophie yelled "Well you didn't tell me the truth so I had to" I said "I already told you it was nothing. It had nothing to do with Nick." "Of course not. It had to do with James" "Not this again" she scoffed walking away "Don't walk away from me" I said walking behind her "Why not huh? Why are you trying to ruin my relationship? The relationship you said I should start. What happened to I should move on huh?" she said turned back to me suddenly stopping "That was before I realized you still love James" "I don't love Taylor!" "Cut the crap Soph!" I yelled at her "What? How many times do I have to tell you? I don't love Taylor!" "Then explain what the hell today was about!" I argued back "Today" she stepped back. "Yeah today. And you better not say it was because Nick gave someone a peck on the cheek" I rolled my eyes "I...needed some time to think alright!" "Think about what huh? You think I don't know you only got like that after James told you he kissed Betty" "What does Taylor kissing her have anything do with me?" she blew air through her nose "Oh my god. Do I have to spell it out for you! You're jealous! Capital J-E-A-L-O-U-S! Full caps!! JEALOUS"  "I'M NOT JEALOUS!!" "Stop saying that! You and James can't keep denying the obvious! It's clear you still love each other" I said "And who are you to decide that?" She argued "I thought I was your best friend. I know you best Soph so I know that one of these days one of you are gonna end up in the other's bed. And when that happens the only ones I'll be sorry for are Nick and Betty" I said angrily "That's not gonna-"  "Please look me in the eyes and tell me there's no chance of that. Tell me am I wrong!!" I yelled. She opened her mouth but no words came out. She couldn't lie even if she wanted to "That still doesn't give you the right to go behind my back and start an argument with my boyfriend!!" she yelled  "I wouldn't have gone if you had just told me!" "I wasn't ready. Maybe if you weren't so nosy-" "Did you just call me nosy?" I glared at her "What is all this noise I'm hearing. What is all this argument for?" She asked. We both started to calm down. "Nothing Mrs. Vortex. I was just going home" I said before I walked away. "I'm going to practice!!" she stormed off After packing my bag I passed Sophie beating the s**t out of her punching bag then I went out the door to see James punch some guy to the ground while Betty hid behind him shocked. 
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