House Party part 3: Trudy

2124 Words

(Trudy) I had been waiting on my porch for ten minutes after I had gotten dressed. Finding a nice black evening dress  I sat out on my porch sighing as I looked at my phone to check the time "Good night Trudy!" I heard that b***h called out. Looking across the street I saw her standing n her lawn hands locked with Hugh's  "Love your dress. Where are you going?" she asked before Hugh sighed and gently pulled her hand Just as I was about to respond a red expensive looking car pulled up beside the house and parked. I was shocked when the door opened and Jacob walked out dressed in an expensive suit "Sorry I'm late Trudy. I was having a little trouble with my kids" he said "It's no problem" I said still a bit taken back "Wow you look wow" I said my eyes fixated on the Rolex on his wris

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