House Party 3: Britney

260 Words

(Britney) The party was going really well for the most part my sister's and I were just finished performing when we came down from the makeshift stage and saw Liberty waiting for us "Liberty, is it your turn now?" I asked "Yeah, you guys were amazing" "Thank you" we all said before Jen and El left to enjoy the party "So you ready?" I asked "Yeah I performed in front of these people a hundred times" she said before I noticed someone walk in a curly red head 6'4 with freckles on his face. On his tall build was lean muscle. Though his clothes looked a little big and nerdy he was too handsome to pass on "Hey Liberty who's that?" I asked pointing him out "What the hell is he doing here?" Liberty scowled "So you know him?" "He's someone I used to know." "So you can introduce me he's

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