Carlton Stewart

2962 Words

(Carl) "Carlton! Carlton Stewart!!" My mom yelled "Yeah... I'm coming" I said as I rolled myself out of bed After a quick bath, I got a ping on my phone, looking at my phone I was reminded that today is the day that my costume and glass figurine would be arriving today "Yes. Yes. Yes!! It's finally here" I jumped for joy. Not wanting to wait any longer I rushed out of the house jumping on the first bus, making my way to the post to collect my package. "Hello, how may I help you?" The lady behind the counter said "Hi, I'm Carlton Stewart I'm here to collect a package. It should be under that name" I said "Oh yes, Mister Stewart you're package hasn't arrived yet but you're welcomed to wait" she said "Actually I have to head to school." I said "It will only be a few minutes" she reas

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