1. HEIR!

1858 Words
Author’s point of view “Oops!” Clara exclaimed as she intentionally dropped the coffee on the shiny white marble. A little mocking smile was lingering on her face. “I am sorry, Hannah! She said, and the smile widened. I know you just cleaned the floor and now it's dirty because of me.” She looked at Mrs Daina Miller, the Chairwoman, who was busy going through a document and didn't heed them. Clara cleared her throat and pitched up a little more. “Hannah, please pass me the mop. I'll clean it for you.” Hannah rolled her eyes at her childish trick. Hannah looked at Mrs Miller, who was watching them from the side eye. It looks like Clara was successful in gaining her attention. She was treated like a maid all the time in this big mansion, just giving Clara a small smile. She was the wife of the mansion owner. "It's fine," she said. "I'll clean it. You don't need to worry." Clara kept smiling as she watched Hannah pick up the mop. She felt tired and sad. She used to be happy before she got married and moved into the mansion. It's been two years, and she last breathed in peace. She can't even have a cup of coffee. She cleaned it off and was ready to leave when Mrs Daina asked Hannah to stop. "Stop, Hannah," she said. "We need to talk." As Diana approached, her presence felt powerful. Even at 70 years old, she carried herself with authority. Hannah looked at Diana, then lowered her gaze. "There’s no change," she said quietly. Diana’s eyes narrowed. "What’s going on with you?" she asked. "We married you to my grandson to take care of him. He’s been paralyzed for two years. All he can do is move his eyes." Diana continued, "It’s been two years, Hannah. We’re paying your parents a lot of money. We even invested in your father’s bankrupt company. And yet, nothing has improved." Her voice grew louder. "Why isn’t he better?" Hannah felt tears forming. She was trying her best, but it was never enough for Diana. Clara, Diana's daughter, stood beside them, smiling. "Tell her, Mom. She needs to hear this." She felt small and weak. She wanted to defend herself but couldn’t find the words. Diana’s frustration was clear. "We put our trust in you, Hannah. And look at him now. Why haven’t you helped him?" Hannah took a deep breath. "I’m doing everything I can." "Clearly, it’s not enough," Diana snapped. "We’re giving you so much, and you’re giving nothing in return." "Mom’s right. You’re not doing your job." Clara was giving her best to indignant more fire. "I’m trying my best," She said, ignoring Clara."Well, your best isn’t working," Diana said. "You need to try harder. We can’t keep paying you if you don’t." Hannah nodded. "I’ll do better," she promised. "You’d better," Diana said. "Or we’ll stop the payments and the support. Do you understand?" Hannah nodded again. "I understand." Diana turned and walked away. Clara followed her mother, still smiling. Diana and Clara walked away, leaving Hannah standing there, feeling alone. She wanted to shout back at them, to defend herself, but she couldn't. She was stuck in this situation because of her stepmother and her love for her father. She didn’t want her father to fall into depression if his company went bankrupt. Two years ago, Hannah Johnson married Liam Miller, a powerful man and the CEO of the Miller corporation. She didn’t want to marry him, but she was forced to. Her stepmother wanted money, and her father needed funding for his company. Liam Miller had an accident a week before his marriage with Amara and became paralyzed from head to toe. All he could do was listen, move his eyes, and eat. He couldn’t do anything else, not even speak. His whole body, from the neck down, was paralyzed. Hannah was a nurse, so Diana Miller proposed to Hannah's father and stepmother to agree to a contract marriage. Diana promised to provide funding for the company if Hannah married her grandson, Liam, and took care of him until he got better. Hannah's stepmother, Jessica, agreed instantly. She even blackmailed Hannah, saying she would never tell her about her real mother if she didn’t agree. Hannah remembered all of this as she stood there. She had married a paralyzed man just to get the address of her real mother. Now, she was tired of it all. It was getting out of hand. She didn’t want to bear it anymore. She wanted to rebel, to walk away, to run away from this house. No one here cared for her. Everyone was rude to her. They always treated her like a maid. No one respected her. She cried each and every day. She tried to runaway in the first month of her marriage but was send back by her father. Tears welled up in her eyes as she thought about her situation. "I can’t keep living like this," she thought. "I need to get out. I need to find a way to escape." Her heart ached with the desire to leave. She thought about her father, who was probably unaware of how badly she was being treated. She thought about her stepmother, who only cared about money and control. And she thought about Diana and Clara, who treated her with such disdain. "I wish I could just tell them how I feel," Hannah thought. "I wish I could stand up to them." She took a deep breath, trying to gather her courage. But every time she thought about speaking up, fear held her back. She was afraid of what they might do. She was afraid of losing the little support her father’s company had. She was afraid of never finding her real mother. "But I can't keep living like this," she thought again. "I need to find a way out." she breathed loudly. All tired from the hectic day, She entered her room and looked at her husband, who was sleeping peacefully. She stared at his handsome for a few minutes and slept beside him without changing her clothes. She was in a deep sleep when she felt a strong pair of rough hands roaming inside her top, feeling her soft skin and within seconds she felt a pair of Iip roaming aimlessly on her lips. “Leave me !” “Leave me!” “Let me go!” She muttered in her sleep as she struggled in that deadly grip but that person pinned her hands over her head and moved his lips to her neck. An unknown fear gripped her heart and her body freezed. “PLEASE STOP!” She opened her eyes with a force and found no one on her top. Her whole body was covered with sweat and her whole body was shivering. She food up quietly and switchedl on the light and looked besides, found Liam sleeping peacefully. It was a dream. A wet dream! Is she this desperate? Was she this alone? What all does it mean? She lay down on the bed and turned her head towards him. " What's the use of having such a handsome face when you're lying like this on the bed from last two years?” She said to herself and came out of the room to have some water. Her sleep was long gone. she came out in the garden for a walk and to calm down her heart. Hannah was in the garden when a strong wind started to blow. She decided to go back to her room. As she was walking back, she came across her mother-in-law, Sophia. "Hey, what were you doing in the garden? Huh? Are you trying to betray my paralyzed son?" Sophia shouted at Hannah. Hannah had enough. She looked back at Sophia, anger and frustration in her eyes. "Do you really think I would betray your son? I am not betraying him." Sophia's face twisted with anger. "Don't even think about it, you stupid girl, or you will face the same consequences." "I am keeping an eye on you, both in the office and in this house," Sophia said, her voice cold. "Don't forget that." Hannah clenched her fists, trying to keep calm. "I am not doing anything wrong. I am just trying to live my life." "Live your life?" Sophia scoffed. "You are here to take care of my son. That is your life now." "NO!” Hannah said a little Iouder. As Hannah talked back to Sophia, Sophia raised her hand to slap her, but Hannah caught Sophia's hand. As Hannah talked back to Sophia, Sophia raised her hand to slap her, but Hannah caught it. "Don't even think about it, Sophia," Hannah said, her voice firm. "I’m the one taking care of your paralyzed son. You should be grateful." Sophia's eyes widened in shock. "How dare you talk to me like that?" "I’ve had enough of this," Hannah continued, her voice trembling with emotion. "Every day, you accuse me of having an affair or disobeying you. I’m doing my best to care for Liam, with all my heart and mind, and you still blame me for his condition. You should appreciate what I do." Sophia glared at her. "You think you can just talk back to me?" Hannah held her ground. "Yes, because I’m tired of being treated like a servant. I deserve respect. If you can’t see that, find someone else to take care of him." Sophia pulled her hand away, fuming. "How dare you, Hannah?" Sophia yelled. "You can't even bear a child in these two years. What a disgrace you are." Hannah laughed a little. "Seriously? How can I have a child with your paralyzed son? He just lies in bed all day. He can't move. There's no way I could get pregnant." Sophia glared at her, furious. "You're disrespectful and ungrateful." Hannah stood her ground, her voice steady. "I’m just telling the truth. I’m doing my best to take care of him, but I can't perform miracles." Hannah watched her walk away, feeling a mix of fear and relief. For the first time, she had stood up for herself. It felt good. She took a deep breath, and moved back to her room. She lay down on her bed and covered herself with a quilt. She traced his handsome face with her fingers and muttered, “Your mother has lost her mind. How can I have a child with you?” She turned to her side of the bed and closed her eyes trying to sleep. Suddenly she felt a hand crawling on her body. Is she having a dream again ? She opened her eyes and found Liam on top of her. “Let's have an heir!” She heard the most desirable, husky manly voice. “How is this possible? This can't be true.” She muttered while staring into his eyes. Liam switched on the side table lamp and now She can see the person on top of her. LIAM!
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