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Isla I lay awake for hours, staring at the ceiling, pondering what it is that Poppy has told me about the Alpha King. It’s hard to believe it could possibly be true. Yet, how can I doubt it? Back home, I never knew much about him. I had too much to worry about to ever spend much time thinking about the Alpha King. Whenever anyone mentioned King Maddox, it was always in one of two contexts—how unbelievably good looking he was. Or how unbelievably cruel he was. Now… Poppy has revealed to me that everyone in the castle believes he is responsible for the death of his mate, Luna Rebecca, the woman everyone says is the sweetest, kindest, gentlest soul any of them had ever met. How is that possible? I don’t know, but as I lay here on my back, staring at the ceiling, I have to wonder… will a similar fate befall me? I’m to be his breeder. What will that entail exactly? A shudder begins at the top of my neck and travels down my spine. I know the gist of it. I understand that it will be my job to lay with the king, to spread my legs for him, to pleasure him. He is an attractive man, and I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t find myself experiencing sensations I never had before when he was in my room before. Even though I had no idea who he was, just being in his presence made my muscles clench in ways they never had before. I felt a tightening in my core that I never had until that moment. My hand slides down between my legs just thinking of it now, and I’m glad I’m alone, lying in this massive bed with these plush, comfortable blankets. I press my fingers against the outside of my most sensitive area, hoping that doing so will make the ache I’m feeling go away. It doesn’t seem to help. Just thinking about the king makes my flesh bead up with a sheen of sweat. I need to push the blankets down away from my face so I can breathe. I wonder what it would feel like if it was his hand on me and if these pajamas were not in the way. This certainly isn’t making the ache go away…. “Knock it off, Isla,” I whisper to myself. “You’re just making it worse.” I try rolling over and remind myself that I’m in a strange place, away from my family, and I have no idea when I might see them again. That’s enough to make the ache dissipate. I miss my parents and my brothers so much. How I wish that I could’ve stayed at home and paid off my parents’ debt from there. Alpha Ernest should’ve been more straightforward with me. But now, the damage was done, and here I am. I hope that Alpha Maddox will allow me to go home for a visit soon. I imagine my mother’s face. I hope she’s not crying. I miss her so much, and I know she has to miss me, too. Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes and try to go to sleep. Otherwise, I might start to cry. Since it’s been such a long day, I am exhausted, and I am just about to doze off when I get the sensation that someone is standing outside my door. Not the one right across the room from me, but the other one, the outer door. It’s so far away from me, I really shouldn’t be able to tell, but I get the idea that someone is there just the same. And I know who it is. I hold my breath, not moving at all, as I wonder what might happen if he enters the room. It’s too soon, isn’t it? This is my first night here. Surely, he won’t come in and want me to have s*x with him on my very first night in the castle, will he? Won’t he at least give me one night to get settled? It’s not as if I’m so beautiful that just catching one glimpse of me earlier will leave him so intrigued he won’t be able to forget about me. He’s the king! He can have any woman he wants. Is he in that big of a hurry to make an heir? After a moment, I get the feeling that he has moved on, and I allow myself to breathe again. A wave of relief washes over me, and I thank the Moon Goddess that I won’t be called upon to service the king tonight. “What a relief,” I whisper. “I’m so glad that didn’t happen.” At least, that’s what I’m trying to convince myself. The ache is back between my legs, and something tells me, when I fall asleep tonight, I won’t be dreaming about my family. I’ll be dreaming of the Alpha King—and he’ll be on top of me. *** Maddox I wake up the next morning with a hard c**k and the memory of a very vivid dream about Isla. This girl is affecting me in ways I never would’ve thought imaginable, and I don’t know why. It isn’t as if I’ve never seen an attractive woman’s naked ass before. Still, I have to take another cold shower before I can go to the office, and my hand was already sticky from my dirty thoughts of her the night before when I couldn’t fall asleep. As I pass her room on my way to the office, I hear someone moving around behind the door and imagine it must be her. The urge to burst in and go to her floods my mind. She belongs to me, after all. I can take her anytime I want to. I could never force a woman to do anything against her will, though. I might be brutal on the battlefield, but not in the bedroom. Well, not like that anyway. I keep my feet moving. Temptation is high, but I will persevere. In the office, I start working and manage to get through several reports before Seth is knocking on my door. I sigh and tell him to come in, knowing it’s him because of the way he knocks. It’s always the same every morning. He walks in looking like hell, and I have to wonder how long he stayed up entertaining our guests. “Good morning,” he says because it’s expected, not because he means it. “Seth,” I say, trying not to laugh. “What the hell happened to you?” He shakes his head. “Zabrina happened to me, Alpha. That woman doesn’t know how to… shut up.” A chuckle erupts from my mouth. “I’m sorry,” I tell him. But I’m not really. He shakes his head and sits down across from me to give me an update. “We’ve heard that there are more attacks happening along the borders of Duster pack and Pine Tree pack. Alpha Hayes seems to think he can infiltrate Alpha Bhamers territory and just take it.” I stare at him for a moment. Alpha Hayes of Duster pack is one of the bigger threats to the peace of our kingdom. I don’t like it when one Alpha attacks another, but in this case, I know why he’s doing it. Alpha Hayes wants to prove he’s capable of being the greatest leader in the kingdom. Greater than me. He’s not the only Alpha who has this affliction, but he’s one of the more serious ones. And it doesn’t hurt that he has five strapping sons, so if he were to become king, there’d be no question that the bloodline would continue. I am meant to have a child by now…. If I don’t have one soon, the Alphas will be able to rebel against me and see it as justified. Thirty is the cut-off, and I’m almost there…. “Anything else?” I ask Seth as if his announcement isn’t surprising or troubling to me. He raises his eyebrows. “No, that’s all. Except Alpha Jordan spent a great deal of time last night trying to get me to speak to you on behalf of his daughter.” I roll my eyes. “I’m not interested in Zabrina.” “I know you’re not,” he says. “But… if you’re not planning on using the girl you purchased—” “I didn’t purchase her,” I correct him, feeling anger begin to bubble up inside of me. “I merely accepted her in exchange for a debt.” “Isn’t that the same thing?” he asks. Narrowing my eyes, I tell him, “No, it’s not.” He shrugs. “Anyway… you know you only have ten months left before you turn thirty.” “I am aware of when my birthday is, Seth.” “So, you need to do something, Alpha. Or else, we’ll have even more problems on our hands.” He’s right, but I don’t want to talk about it. “Go down to the military barracks and tell Commander Taylor to send a detail to Duster. I want to keep an eye on that situation and make sure that it doesn’t escalate out of control.” He seems surprised at my dismissal of his comments without a remark. “Yes, sir,” he says. “But Zabrina wants you to have dinner with her again tonight… alone.” “And Zabrina can want whatever she’d like,” I tell him. “You may as well give her a try. If you don’t, he’ll just keep asking and complaining. Why don’t you have dinner with her, and if you don’t like her, you can tell Alpha Jordan it wasn’t a match?” The thought of having to sit through a dinner date with Zabrina makes bile rise up in the back of my throat. But, as usual, Seth has a point. “Fine,” I tell him, shaking my head. “Arrange it. But you’d better think of a way to get me out of there quickly.” I can tell he’s fighting a smile. “Yes, sir,” he says getting up to leave the room. I watch him go and then swear under my breath. This is the last thing in the world I want to do. Having a baby with Isla would make things much easier, but I don’t even know why she’s here. I could go speak to her, but that would be dangerous. I return my attention to my work, hoping to lose myself in what needs to be done. But my mind keeps flickering back to her. The soft curve of her breast, the tight muscles of her bottom…. I’m in trouble.
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